Rubbing a hand down his face, Salvatore looked at my ankle. 

"Go with Salvestro. He'll help take care of your ankle." Salvatore ordered, and I nodded my head, not wanting to worsen my punishment. 

"Verbal answers next time, Amara. Now go." he ordered, and I followed Salvestro to the medical centre of the house. The place I went only a few days ago to get my burnt hand checked.

Not listening to the conversation that was now going on in the dining room, I followed Salvestro, head down as I continued thinking. 

What was going to be my punishment?

"Sit down." Salvestro ordered, no sign of warmth in his voice as he looked at me coldly. 

Agitated, I sat down nervously, my eyes filled with tears. 

"Give me your ankle." he demanded, and I gave it in a second. No questions asked.

Instead of breaking it like I thought he would though, he started inspecting it from different angles. Touching and poking around as he made a diagnosis. 

"You'll be wearing a brace for the next three weeks before you can start moving it again. There is a partial tear in your muscles, and it'll take a full five weeks to heal." he said monotonously as he started putting on a brace and twisting my ankle, ignoring the looks of pain sent at him. 

His eyes were so cold, and held nothing of the loving brother he had once been. 

"Salvestro?" I asked shyly, and he grunted, not giving me an answer. 

"Are you mad?" I asked quietly, and he finally looked up.

"No. I am not mad. I am more disappointed than mad, Amara. You broke one of the most important rules of the house, endangering yourself." he answered, eyes holding no emotion.

"I didn't endanger my life though." I protested, the guilt filling me up.

"So? Your ankle was still on the line. If you didn't tell us sooner, this ankle could've been useless." he retorted, and I stayed silent. The guilt inside me was eating me up and the voices were coming back.

God, the voices were coming back!

- T h i r d  P e r s o n -

'See? You always make the people who love you disappointed, Amara.'

No! Stop! She won't listen, she won't.

'Yesss, look at this-'

Stop! Amara has blocked them out before, and they were now coming back, possessing her.

'Look at his face, he doesn't like you anymore.'

'He's not even using your nickname anymore, Bambina. You fucked up, Amara.'

... She did?

'Your mother would hate you for being such a disappointment.'

She would?

'Tsk, tsk... Hiding secrets again, Amara? When do you learn-'

"Amara! Are you listening to me?" a voice interrupted, anchoring Amara back to the real world.

"Sorry. Just..." Amara didn't know what to say. The voices were getting so loud. "Thinking." she finished, the pupils in her eyes large, swallowing her beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"Alright. I don't think you'll be able to eat right?" Salvestro nodded, and Amara nodded her head absentmindedly as she tried her best to not listen to the voices.

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