Chapter 28

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Waka- means in Boss  in Japanese Yakuza term


His eyes were slowly closing now and his breathing were getting sluggish. Who the hell stabbed him? And why he even went here even he's in danger now? I closed the door first and lock it.

I check his pulse, and he was still steady, but he was breathing slowly. I don't know if this going to work but I have to save him.

I carried him even though he's heavy and drag him on the bedroom and put him in the bed, I need to calm down and think. I healed some injury before but not like this, This is the first I'm doing this on someone.

"Think... Think..."

I know! I go to the bathroom and get the med kit and leave them first, then I get my knives under the bed and take my dagger. I go to the kitchen and find the gas then heating up the dagger.

I hope this will work.

After I heat the dagger that it's almost melting, I close the torch and hurried to the bedroom then checked his pulse again, and he's still alive but his breath are getting slow. I really hope this work, I gulp.

I get in top of him and remove his drenched shirt. I should tie him up, so he can't move because this is really going to hurt, I tied his hands on the headboard using his shirt.

"I'm really sorry about this" I apologize first, I put the dagger on his wound and heating it.

"AHH! Fuck!" He screams with pain but I stop him while pressing the dagger on his stomach, He's panting heavily now.

"Stop!" He shouts, but I keep pressing it til It's closing.

"Shh! I know it hurts but you have to keep steady!" I cautious, he was still grunting in pain, I keep pressing it.

"Fu-ck!" His expression were in pain now. I stop pressing now and the wounds closed now, he's slowly breathing yet steady but it was a relieved that it works somehow. I get some bandage and start dressing his wounds.

I can't believe I'm doing this.



"Why Yamazaki-san doesn't come back yet?" Hiroshi said while doing some papers on the undergrounds.

"It's already evening, and he still not here" he worries.

Suddenly someone calls Hiroshi, one of their group barging in his office with sweat and a nervous face.

"Hiroshi-san!" The man shouts to call him.

"What happened?!" Hiroshi ask.

"It's Nori! He came here with his group!" He babbled shouts.

"What?! How?!" Hiroshi gasps, he gets up on his table and go to the front of their headquarters.

"Oi!? Come out! Servants of Kira!" Nori shouts to call all of Kira's men, yet he was playing with his bat and smiling widely.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Hiroshi shouts at him. Nori stops and look at Hiroshi with a playful smile.

"I'm here to recruit you guys to my party" he said.

"Where's Waka?!" Hiroshi yell.

"Oh him?" Nori walks over to Hiroshi to face him closely, all of Kira's group were armed and pointing their guns to Nori's group.

"He's dead" he's creepily smiling at him and Hiroshi shivers at it.

"W-hat?! There's no w-"

"Oh? You don't believe me?" He cut him off.

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