He just gave me permission to ask questions right? Does that mean that it didn't matter if the questions were nosy? 

"Um, why d-did I not know of y-you until a few hours ago?" I whispered quietly, knees bouncing up and down. My anxiety was showing, and I can only hope that no one notices.

"Because we didn't know you until a few hours ago either." Salvatore responded. 

"What do you mean?" I said, looking up at him. 

"It means that we didn't even know that we had a younger sister until the police called and informed me of your existence." Salvatore answered. 

"Why do I look different from the rest of you?" I asked, wincing at my wording. 

"Because you aren't our real sister." one of the twins replied this time. 

"You're only a half. Our father probably got your mother pregnant and she didn't tell him." Salvatore said, and my eyes widened in disbelief. 

Mommy cheated on father? Does that mean that I am not his true daughter? 

It was as if a weight was lifted off of my chest. I wasn't his daughter! He wasn't my real dad. I didn't have any of my father's malice in me!

"So, my mom cheated with your dad?" I said, eyes wide. 

"Pretty much." one of the twins responded as he shovelled food in his mouth.

"Well, what did your mom say?" I asked, and all movement stopped.

"Our mom is dead." the other twin said coldly, staring at me with hard eyes as he and his twin got off the table and strode out of the room together.

"Oh. I'm so sorry." I said, and Salvatore snorted.

"No need to feel sorry. We've had time to grieve." he said, face betraying nothing he was feeling. 

"Yes, it's fine. It's been years." Sandeo added. "Just don't mention her in front of the twins. They never had a mother growing up." he said, implying that their mother died during childbirth. 

I felt for them, having their mom dying during childbirth, just like mine. 

"W-what about-t your-"

"I think that's enough questions for the morning." Salvatore interrupted, and right when I was about to protest, the look he gave, silenced me. 

"Why didn't you eat?" Salvestro asked, and two other pairs of eyes turned to me and at my still full plate.

Not knowing what to say, I decided to go with the obvious one. "I'm not hungry."

"Well you didn't eat anything yesterday as you fell asleep." Salvestro countered, brows furrowing with worry. 

"It's fine. I'm not that hungry." I reassured him. 

"Salvestro. It's fine. She can eat during lunch." Salvatore said firmly, and his younger brother's mouth snapped shut. 

"Fine," He sighed and picked up my plate, dumping the contents away. Well, that's a waste of food.

"Sandeo, why don't you show Amara around the house. I have work to attend to and Salvestro needs to come with me." Salvatore suggested, but we all knew that that was an order. 

Didn't Slavestro say yesterday that he would be taking the day off? 

"Sure bro. Come on, Amara. Let's show you around the house." Sandeo said, and giving me a light tap on the shoulders, he stood up and walked away, expecting me to follow him.

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