Twenty One

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Rip 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood

Never has Jimin seen Yeosang this stressed since the day they've met. He's practically flying around the penthouse suite, getting cleaned up after Woosung got the blood samples splatted on his body, along with the closed, and trying to figure out what to do to whenever this Jeongguk guy is decides to show up.

Meanwhile Jimin is actually having a casual conversation with Woosung on the couch. Well if Woosung wasn't noting everything down than yeah, casual.

Apart from Woosung being a forensics scientist, he's also a certified psychologist.

It's funny because Yeosang didn't have to say anything to Woosung in order for him to grasp what's going on or why is Jimin even here. The answer is simply there; Jimin was crossed in some business that was not his to deal with, involving Yeosang of course, and now he's going through some anxious break down.

Let's not forget the dead body in his memory of course.

Talking about it to a stranger did quite help in some way but at one point Jimin didn't even know what he was saying anymore. His eyes kept focused to the way Yeosang would pace the room, eyebrows furrowed, lips pursed that was clearly troublesome as he grunts under his breath from time to time to his rushing thoughts.

Yeah, not even for academics was Yeosang like this.

"Jimin," The other snaps his head back to Woosung, who was staring at him intently, "Is something bothering you?"

It took a moment or two to understand that Woosung meant at the moment since it seemed as though Jimin has Yeosang's same expression on his face.

For a moment Jimin did think it over and wondering if it was even appropriate to ask, but after taking in a lot of courage to ask, he did.

"Who's Jeongguk?"

The name alone obviously has a very deep meaning. It carries a reaction as though you're not suppose to even utter it, in fear of the said people would appear that same second.

Like a demon.

And clearly it's not a good sign if he does.

That much Jimin could tell by how Woosung's body evidently tenses up on the coffee table he's sitting on, right in front of Jimin, and his his eyes flickers from the notepad and to Jimin's face.

Okay maybe Jimin shouldn't have asked.

The way Woosung's face coils into a dark and a glooming shadow is enough for Jimin to know that he shouldn't have asked. It's almost as if Woosung is asking him whether he wants to die or or be tortured if he mentions it again, so Jimin only averts his eyes away and stares intently to his lap, where his fidgeting hands are.

Usually Jimin doesn't like backing down without a fight, but Woosung's glare was enough to know this isn't a matter to challenge him on.

And that much he knew when the door suddenly open without as much as a knock.

Nearly knocking it off the hinges.

Yeosang is practically going through a variety shades of different colors right now, mostly a sickly pale now, and close to nearly passing out when a buff man with sun glasses steps into the room first.

Then following...... Someone else.

Make that two more people.

The important ones of course.

The first one who entered presence isn't as intense as the ravenette following behind him. He's more relaxed despite the hard edges of his face with sneering eyes of clear authority, but in an elegant and formal way. Multiple rings cover his tatted hands, an unusual bolt ring on his finger to be precise, the gold color make such a pretty contrast to his vivid red hair that he brushes back.

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