Fifty Three

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"The fuck is that suppose to mean?!"

Yeosang grimaces annoyedly as Jimin stands in front of him, arms crossed over his chest with a pointed glare on his face.

Maybe it was a bit too early to tell him about the sudden new arrangements that's about to happen from here on out.

And that arrangement involved with an equally irritated Soobin standing in the living room before them, machine gun in hand ready to be used in case something were to happen.

That was the plan that Yeosang and Phoenix have decided. Each day and night one of the members will stay here and patrol the place just to make sure nothing like last time happens again.

Jimin didn't want to leave the penthouse, especially because he feels the most comfortable being here where he has his privacy and space to do what he pleases.

But now with this new rule, clearly his comfort zone is being tested.

And he's not happy.

"I'd rather not have someone breathing down my neck around the clock so sorry if I'm a little annoyed," Jimin huffs as turns around to go to the kitchen, "We can seriously take care of ourselves, we don't need a bodyguard!"

Now Soobin's patience were really being tested.

He sneers his head towards Jimin with a nasty snarl, "Last time I checked, you got your ass kidnapped because no one made sure you were in check-"

A knife slices through the air, sliding past Soobin's face and pinning itself hard against the wall. Yeosang's eyes widen to the impulsive attempt but immediately acted in holding Jimin back and giving a hand to Soobin to just go outside. The tall male only rolls his eyes annoyedly but goes outside either way, slamming the door shut behind him.

"Let me go for fuck sakes-"

Yeosang throws Jimin to couch and snags a handful of his hair, smearing their lips together aggressively that shut him up. Jimin slams his fist against Yeosang's chest in his attempt of protest but eventually gave in, stubbornly.

This made Yeosang grin before pulling away, seeing the meanest scowl on Jimin's lips, "Can you calm down? This is just for a while. We just want to prevent another incident, either to myself or you."

Jimin still wasn't amused, his pout now much more heavier, "Don't get me wrong, they're really nice and all, but being around guns isn't so ideal for me."

"The can keep watch outside but the guns are necessary."

"Can I fuck them though?"

And Jimin's charming attitude returns.

A heavy scowl now shifts Yeosang's expression, his irritation twinkling to Jimin's smug smirk widening.


It's been a week since New Years and so far nothing bad has happened to them while being alone, but that's a risk Yeosang didn't want to continue dwelling onto.

As for his and Jimin's status, they aren't anything serious. They don't even fuck around like they did on New Years. That night is a topic that they didn't want to speak of, so they left it to the back of their minds. They're trying to keep their boundaries stern because of their perspectives on this area, but doesn't mean they don't steal kisses or let their hands wander in teasing foreplay from time to time even though it'll lead to nothing.

That's the most they could do.

Lately Jimin has been more sensitive in a more softer way whenever Yeosang would demonstrate specific forms of affection, but that's something Yeosang won't question or even argue about because he really likes it.

But he may have to dwindle that just a tad bit now that his crew are going to take round trips to come here and guard. Not like he believes Jimin will miss it, after all as he says, he can find anyone he wants to give him attention whenever it's not given to him.

And not like Yeosang is one to stop him, if anything he knows Jimin won't risk it now because they're in a tight situation now.

A situation that Yeosang hopes to end it by the end before the semester begins.

And Joshua comes back.

So after Yeosang and Jimin got a little distracted after settling things, Soobin was allowed back inside and he stayed guarded by the door while Jimin just went to the bedroom to do who knows what.

Meanwhile Yeosang sits back on the couch, taking out multiple notebooks filled with notes in hopes to construct a plan to handle Orchids.

Jimin just destroyed one of their important buildings and no doubt the big boss is on the look out for him as well, which means they're have to be on the extra look out. Orchids are sneaky assholes so no doubt they're watching them consistently as possible.

Now Yeosang's goal is to find the boss.

It would be easy to just reach out to his parents for assistance, but they haven't been able to go into touch with Orchids as well for years.

Besides, they'll mostly likely lock Yeosang in a room and kill Jimin while they're at it.

Yeah, Yeosang will just have to rely on himself and Phoenix to handle this issue alone. If worse comes to worse than his parents will have to get involved.

"You know," Yeosang perks his eyes up to Soobin, who's looking to the bedroom door where Jimin disappeared off to, "Maybe not make it so obvious that you're growing tender hearted for that civilian. It'll be seen as a weakness."

Truth be told, Soobin may be all cold hearted and a man with zero tolerance for bullshit, but he speaks the truth. He brings reality to Yeosang's life, like a reality check. That's why Yeosang likes having him around, even if he has to hear it in a blunt way.

So Yeosang only sighs, putting the pencil he was holding down, "I'll do that once you do the same with my brother," Evidently Soobin tenses up, "Maybe try to hide it a little more before he notices it."

Got him.

If there's anything Yeosang is good at, it's observing. It's obvious Soobin is a little more over protective and in guard for his brother, and that's relieving to know that his brother has someone to take care of him when he's not around but he obviously doesn't see the other male's intentions.

Here's a moment if a long pausing silence before Soobin break a smirking scoff, turning around to face the door, "Touché boss," He mutters and clicks his gun, "By the way, Ten is taking the night shift, just a heads up warning."

Ah shit....

There's absolutely no doubt that Yeosang will most likely be on baby sitting duty than sleeping. Both Ten and Jimin are basically the same person, and having both of them in the same room alone is like a ticking bomb ready to be set off.

An already tired groan, Yeosang flops back to the couch while Soobin chuckles quietly at him as he keeps guard.

Ha, seems like this is going to be an interesting procedure they're going to go through.

Any person you're intrigued to see take guard?

This is about to be fun haha


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