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Swim suit⬆️⬆️

Brianna POV

"Anna, Anna wake up,"
My eyes fluttered open as I felt someone's soft touch.
I hummed as I stretched out my arms a bit.
I asked in a groggy voice.

I heard Tim chuckle lightly.
"It's 10:17 already."

I shot up with my eyes wide.

Tim quickly turned around and laughed nervously.
"Yeah, and I would like to remind you that you like to sleep a certain way."

I raised my eyebrow in confusion, before looking down.
"Oh! Sorry Timmy!,"
I giggled as I covered myself.

Tim slowly turned around, opening the hand he had over his eyes half way. He sighed,
"I swear I've seen more of you than Barbara has."

I laughed,
"I can confirm that."

Tim shook his head as a dark blush crept across his face.
"Aww look at you! You're so cu-,"

"Just get dressed!"
And with that Tim sped out of my room.

I laughed as I stepped out of my comfortable bed.
"Oh how I will miss you my love,"
I whined to my bed.

As I walked into my bathroom I stopped at my full length mirror. As I looked at my body I smiled. I've always loved my body, well at least for a long while, but as my eyes glanced at a certain area I frowned. On my collar I have I dull scar. You could hardly see it, and if you didn't know about it, you wouldn't. But I could see it, and I hated it.

I turned my head and walked towards my shower, washing myself briskly. After I did I got dressed. I didn't get to go swimming yesterday, so put on my swimming suit and a cover up. And I'm glad I did. I checked my phone to see it was 92 degrees outside. Honestly that was unusual for Gotham, but hey that makes it a good pool day.

As I walked down the stair, with my phone in hand, I saw Alfred. I gave him a greeting smile.
"Morning Alfred."

"Good morning Brianna. What are you planning on doing today?"
He asked as he followed me to the kitchen.

I shrugged,
"Swim for a while, and maybe hang out with Barry, oh! Or Diana."

Alfred smiled.
"I'm glad Brianna. You've been stressing yourself out too much lately."
Before I could Alfred had already grabbed a huge red apple, and handed it to me. In return I gave him a thankful smile.

"Thanks Alfred,"
I said before turning around to grab my keys from the wall rack we have. Just as I was about to leave I remembered something.
"Oh and Alfred!"

Alfred pokes his head out from the corner.
"Yes Brianna?"

"If you don't mind would you please tell Dick to spar with Damian. If he asks why just make sure to tell him that Brianna said so."
I asked with a grin on my face for the last bit.

Alfred chuckled.
"Of course Brianna, I will transfer the message."

"Thank you!!!"
I waved, giving him one last smile before closing the door behind me. I walked over to my baby, my black challenger, and unlocked the car. As I got in I could definitely now tell it was hot. I quickly cranked up the car, the air conditioning, and backed out of the long driveway.

Once I was finally out of the manner's vicinity I called someone, and put them on speaker. Yeah you don't have to worry, I'm not going to call and drive, chill out. It only rang two times before a feminine voice sounded through my car.

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