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So yeah, you remember that idea I had?

Well it turned out to be great.

Over the past few months I have been able to hack into the GCPD's network. I've also been able to take a look at different cases that have yet been solved. Even with the vigilante Batman around there is still crime that can't be handle all at once. So I try to help out.
Another thing about living on the street is that you learn to hear everything. I mean everything.

So any info I had for a specific case I sent to the GCPD anonymously. I've even solved a few cases on my own. Now the GCPD has been trying to find out who I am exactly, but me being hella paranoid. I made sure to put up one hell of a firewall.

So basically nobody has come close to finding out who I am. The GCPD has even stopped trying. The only other thing they've done is send me money.

(And if you're wondering how I did that, I basically just made an anonymous bank account that they transferred the money to. Then I would immediately retrieve that money from a ATM, and then basically destroy any trace of that account.)

Two of the cases I helped solve were murder cases.

I was awarded $8,000. I gave half of it to Tom. Who asked me about a million questions about how the hell I got all that money.
And I told him.

I mean it's not like he'll tell them. Nothing to gain from that. It's not like I'm out for arrest.

But his response was a bit different than I thought.

I thought he would call me an idiot and give me a whole rant about exactly how stupid I was.

But instead he called me a genius and laughed like mad.

So that's great.

Everything was going smoothly, I was helping with cases, and I was being paid. Everything was just great.

But OF COURSE something had to happen.

As I was reviewing another case, one of the alarms for my fire wall safety went off. My eyes widened as I saw a warning sign on my computer screen.

Someone was trying to find me, and I couldn't have that though now could I?

So I started fighting back. If I had gone any faster my keyboard would have lit on fire, but it was still frustrating. Whoever was trying to hack me was good. No not good, amazing. I was barely able to stop them, but I did. Probably from luck, but honestly I don't care. Though my damn curiosity peaked once again. So before the hacker's location was fully gone I was able to save it in another hard drive.
And you will not believe where the outlets was located.

Wayne manner
As in Bruce Wayne's, the billionaire, residence.

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What the hell-."

"What just happened?"
I looked up to see Tom looking at me confused out of his mind.


Tom started unloading the groceries as he started talking.
"I walked in, and I was about to ask what you wanted for dinner, but when I saw you-,"
He waved his hands in my direction,
"You were abusing that poor keyboard, and when you finished whatever the hell you were doing you looked like you just ran a damn marathon."

I scoffed,
"Yeah I um.. I almost got hacked."

Tom's eyes widened and he dropped the cereal.
After a moment he finally realized I said almost.
"So you stopped them?"

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