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"Alright take it easy, take it nice and slow."
I instructed as I watched the mechanical leg braces.
"You can move faster later. Just try walking sturdily for now."

"I'm trying. It's just- just,"
That's when she started to slip. Dick quickly caught her and sat Barbara down in her wheel chair.
Barbara huffed.

I gave her a reassuring smile.
"The fact that they're even working, and you're using them as well as you are shows how much progress we've all made. You above all."

Barbara sighed, probably trying to calm herself down, and looked up at me.
"Thanks Brianna."
Barbara returns my smile except hers is a tired one. Using those legs Tim and I built for her can take a number on anyone. Even a fit man would have trouble.

"Do you need some water babe?"
Duck asked, which made me glance at Barbara's wedding ring.
Barbara nods,
I smiled at the pair. They were undoubtedly perfect, complete opposites yes, but perfect.

As you can probably see a lot of things have happened.Dick and Barbara got married two years ago, with Gordon's wavering blessing. He really is quite protective of Barbara, but so is Dick. So that helped Gordon make his decision. It was a very small wedding. Only Gordon and the rest of the 'batfamily' went.

(I would like to proudly announce that I was Dick's best woman as well.)

At the time though Barbara could barely take a step in the legs Tim and I made her, so she had to be in a wheel chair. Of course that didn't stop her from looking absolutely stunning.

Now you may also be wondering about her 'new legs'. Well they aren't exactly full legs, it's sorta hard to explain, but basically she has a cast of a leg. Which is controlled by her mind, nerves, and later on muscles. Right now it's been more about her mind. Tim and I spent all our free time for three year working on those legs. Now all we had to do was believe in Barbara and watch her progress. I honestly couldn't have done it without Timmy though.

Speaking of Tim... it happened again.
He wanted more independence, good for him honestly, so he stopped being Robin about three years ago. Also around the time Damian showed up. Which was very convenient. So while Tim became Red Robin, Damian became Robin.

And I know you must be wondering about joker. Well he is still locked up. I make sure of that. I go by every month just to check out his security footage, and I am surprised. He hasn't tried to escape once. Honestly it just looks like he's lost his mind well...even more.
Over this period of time I've also gotten to meet many members of the justice league. Which they did ask me to join, but I decided not to. I told them to simply to call whenever I'm needed. Well besides that I've gotten to meet green lantern, hawk girl, zantana, Martian manhunter, and...
Wonder Woman!!!

I'm telling you they are all wonderful, but I fucking LOVE Diana. We hit it off right away, and I'm so glad for that. I've worked with her, Clark, and Barry a lot lately. These past few years have been filled with aliens, and no not good ones. We got lucky with the ones we have.

Besides that almost everything else has been normal. I have gone a few dates which is out of the ordinary, but either way they are just ruined by Lex or the other boys. I swear Dick, Tim, and Damian are way too overprotective.

Lex is just jealous of course, but what caught me off guard a bit was when Bruce started getting protective. I mean I would have suspected Alfred but out of everyone he's been the most supportive. Believe me they know I can handle myself, but they choose to be overprotective anyway. I can't really talk though. I'm the same way for them. Dick got lucky having Barbara, just wait until Tim starts dating.

"Well I think that good enough for today,"
Tim announced proudly. Which made me smile.
He was so happy with the legs.

"He's right you need to go rest Barbara. Enjoy yourself, you did amazing."
I said sincerely as I put away my notes.

Barbara sighs,
"I guess I'll have to go spend time with this doofus."
She remarked gesturing to Dick.

I chuckled after hearing him gasp.
"I'll have you know that I am YOUR doofus."
I scoffed.

"God your cheesy ."
I remarked, making the others laugh.

After Barbara and Dick left I started to clean up with the help of Tim. We were almost done when Tim asked me a question.
"Are you okay Anna?"
I tilted my head and hummed.

"What do you mean?"

Tim sighed as he threw away his last piece of trash.
"I can see something is bugging you."
He rubbed the back of his neck as he walked up to me.
"So please just tell me."

I sighed,
" I don't know Tim."
I said honestly. I didn't know what was up with me.
"I just have a bad feeling. Like something big or traumatic is about to happen."

Tim gave me a look of understanding.
"Alright I get it. I'm sure everything will be okay though. I mean we don't always know, but we can hope right?"

A small smile grew on my face,
"You're right. Thanks Timmy."

Tim returned my smile.
"You don't need to thank me. I'll always be there for you."

I continued to smile as I embraced him. I snuggled my face into his chest, since he was now taller than me.
"I love you."

"I love you too Anna,"
Tim embraces me tightly, making me feel completely safe.

Later , nighttime :bat cave/ Bruce and Dick

"So who do you think he is?"
Dick asked Bruce looking at the huge computer screen.

"At first all I had a suspect. But I needed more information, so looked around. All I knew was he had taken over the drug train. Then I found out that he had killed several criminals for crimes such as murder and rape. But then I found this,"
Bruce clicked on a file, and once it had opened they saw a familiar name.

Walden, Frank Walden.
This man had the same name that Brianna used to have. Dick's eyes widened at the sight.

"Is that-?"

"Yes, it is. That is Brianna's father."
Bruce confirmed as a picture of a young Brianna appeared on the screen.

"Bruce you didn't- we promised-"

"I know that Grayson, but we have to find the pattern, and if this is who I think it is this will only confirm it. We need to open that file."
Bruce said firmly, but you could clearly see that he felt guilty.

Dick let out a forced, agitated breath.
"Who the hell even is this guy anyway!?"

"He's calling himself,"
Bruce brought up a picture,
"The red hood."

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