As time goes on

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Brianna Age: 18
Author note:
Lex Luther is gonna be young for this story cause I don't need no middle age man flirting with an 18 year old. Yeah we don't fuck with that here. 😂
Lex age: 23 / yep that young but he's still a genius, so isn't surprising he own his own company 🤷‍♀️
Tim drake: 14

It's been two years since Jason's death.
I've been able to cope, but I still miss him very much. Every once in a while something reminds me of him, and I start to tear up. Though usually in those moments, I simply hold onto my necklace that he wanted to give me. It seems to calm me down, so I guess Jason is still looking after me.

Bruce and I still work together,and I would say we work together even better now. After my whole fiasco with Joker Bruce seems to respect and trust me better. Now you may think I would have held a grudge about him not trusting me in that crucial moment.

Well I don't....
Sorry to disappoint.

It only took me a little bit of time to understand what was going through Bruce's head. I mean he had lost Jason to. He was hurting as well. So the thought of killing Joker would have crossed his mind, but he knew that he could never do it. He may have a different reason then me, but we still understand one another. Not to mention Batman hasn't done anything to break my trust yet, so I see no reason to stop working with him. Plus Bruce is apart of my life. He's one of my best friends. Even with the whole age difference, we still make great friends as well as business partners.
Speaking of business...

You all know I work with Bruce with Wayne enterprises. Well Bruce decided since 'I've done a lot to improve the company', his words, that he would let me run a percentage of it. He said we would start small, being as I'm only 18. So he is 'only' giving me 30% of the company.
Umm yeah...

So basically he was saying that I would get even more as I get older. MORE THAN 30%!!!
Can you believe him?!
So besides that bombshell...

I've started painting.
I know. It's random.

But I'm pretty good at it. I've done modern, abstract, and realistic paintings. Alfred constantly tells me to make copies and sell them. Though he told me to never sell the original.

(Mostly because he wanted to keep them in the manner. Where I know for a fact he has a room filled with all the art I've done so far.)

I told him to go ahead and make copies but only a few. So that's something I'm looking forward to.

You know what I'm not looking forward to?
Having to have a meeting with Lex Luther.


Now it can be fun talking with Lex because I can roast the hell out of him, and he just takes it. I usually just throw the fact that my IQ is three points higher than him in his face. Which is hilarious , but he's also just constantly flirts with me. Now I know he knows that he has no chance with me, but he just does it anyway. Which I find incredibly stupid, which also irritates me sometimes. Stupidity can be a frustration for me. Of course not as much as ignorance or arrogance.

I FUCKING HATE arrogant people, and ignorant people can be just as infuriating, just not as much.

But hey I haven't killed anyone yet so I guess I'm doing okay.

Although I wouldn't just see Lex in metropolis. I would also be seeing the man of steel. Yeah I know Clark. Bruce introduced us when I went to my first meeting for Wayne enterprises. Clark is nice and he does a good job at protecting the people of metropolis, but he does have some disagreements with Bats. Of course everyone always does. So I think he's a good guy. He's become a friend of mine. Not to close but we are friends.

I've also met the Flash. Barry is also a friend. We are a bit closer than Clark and I though. Also S.T.A.R Labs is AMAZING. Yes Barry and I are nerds together, don't judge. Usually when we want to hang out Barry literally just picks me up and runs me over to his place, or STAR labs.

I'm still waiting on meeting Green lantern, Hawk girl, and everyone else. But I REALLY want to meet Wonder Woman. I love her. Yeah okay that's a bit dramatic, but she is gorgeous, and Bruce tells me she's great so...
Imma take his word for it.


Grayson has himself a girlfriend!
I know shocking. I mean I think Barbara could do better, but hey she won't listen to me.

Nah I'm just kidding. Dick deserves to have someone to love, plus he needs someone responsible like Barbara to keep him in line when I can't. Not to mention it was bound to happen at some point. I mean anyone could tell that they're smitten with one another.

Gordon also seems to be okay with it, so that's great. It was hilarious when Barbara told him though. Dick was so nervous, even though he was trained by Batman, he was still so scared that Jim might shoot him. I don't even know why. Of course I told Jim to shake him up a bit before letting him feel comfortable. Which he gladly agreed to.

I'm sorry I couldn't help myself. It was priceless.

I swear it looked like Dick would shit his pants.
I'm sorry *laughs uncontrollably* that was too much.

Now besides Dick managing to get a girlfriend, something very surprising happened.

Bruce was found by another kid genius.

I know right! Bats is losing his touch.

(Just kidding don't @ me.)

The little genius that found him is a teenage boy named Tim drake. Apparently he went to the circus where Dick's family used to preform, and he saw Batman. Then he figured out it was Bruce. Got to hand it to the kid, he is smart. Not as smart as me but...

So back to the story, Bruce asked what the boy wanted, and Tim just said "I want to work with you.".

And Bruce couldn't say no because... I wouldn't let him. I told him to take Tim in. Not necessarily because Batman needed a Robin, but because the boy should be Robin. The kid is a natural just like I was when I was his age.

You could say I took him under my wing. Tim has become a great friend of mine. We aren't as close as Jason and I were, but we are very close. Now I know I will never be able to replace Jason, nor do I intend to, but Tim is an amazing friend. The only twist is he's the complete opposite of Jason.
He overthinks most things, level headed, and he's EXTREMELY shy. Which is absolutely adorable. I love to tease him about it.
I can be very flirtatious at times, and it gets Tim all bashful. It's very entertaining. But I don't do it to much. I give the shy boy a break, but Grayson doesn't. The only time Dick stops picking on him is when I give him 'the look'. Though Tim does clap back sometimes, and when he does...
It means the end of Dick Grayson.
He's burnt to a crisp.

Tim and I have a lot in common. We're both tech savvy, total nerds, and we LOVE Queen.
Yes Queen, as in Queen the band formed by four musical geniuses.
Tim and I are solely trying to make a time machine to stop Freddie Mercury from getting AIDs. We've been SO close, but we're missing something. Dick and Bruce thinks that it's nonsense, but to be quite honest I do give a fuck.

Because AFTER we save Freddie then we can use the time machine for good. Though most likely we would destroy it at one point, so it doesn't land into the wrong hands. But that's AFTER we save Freddie.

I swear he's my soulmate. I don't care, he'd either be my husband or best friend, and I honestly don't care which one. Both sound amazing.

But ..moving on from my obsession...

Bruce gave me 30% of the company, I have a meeting with Lex, Dick is dating Barbara (even though she could do better), and Tim is great.
And now that you're all caught up we can go to this present point of view, and yes I'm breaking the 3rd wall.

I mean this is my story after all.
Hahhahaha I rhymed.

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