Yet Hope Remains

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Later, back on the ground, an area has been provided for them to rest in. The hobbits are settling down. In the trees, the Elves' singing echoed through the air. Legolas walked around, "A lament for Gandalf." He sighed as Merry looked up to the trees. "What do they say about him?" Legolas turned around, "I have not the heart to tell you. For me the grief is still too near." Tauriel stood on an overlook, "to guard the lands of the East.." She closed her eyes to listen lament. She looked down to see a hobbit, Samwise Gamgee. "I've always wanted to see the elves." Sam breathed as Tauriel looked down at him, "I've wanted to see the world...Samwise." Tauriel muttered as Sam glanced up at her, "haven't you seen the world?" "For 600 years I lived and raised in Mirkwood. We were never allowed to go past the forest." Legolas had his back turn, but he listened to every word Tauriel had to say. Tauriel looked at Sam and smiled, "but some nights, I would run through the forest, climb up the trees and watch the sky unfold with light." Legolas smiled as Tauriel continued, " I would stay there till the light of the morning creeped into the world. And before I traveled back, I would look at the world in all it's beauty." Sam sighed as he asked, "is there really hope left?" "There's always good in this world, and it is always worth fighting for. Go, get some rest, these borders are well protected."

"Legolas, she is truly a wonder." Boromir sighed as they both looked at Tauriel. "She always knew there was world out there." Legolas smiled as Boromir muttered, "she has made your kin proud I presume." "My father, believed that his kingdom will endure. I believe that, till she asked me...what is the point of living, if you live in darkness."

Dawn had reached Lórien. The fellowship pack for their travels. Legolas loaded food on to the boats as he pulled out a piece of bread, " Lembas, elvish waybread." Then Legolas took a small bite from the end muttering, "one small bite is enough to fill a stomach of a grown man." Pippin and Merry smiled, as Merry moved closer to Pippin, "how many did you eat?" "Four."

" Never before have we clad strangers in the guard of our own people." Celeborn announced as the elves placed a cloak on to each member of the fellowship, with leaf of Lórien as a clasp. "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." "Every league you travel south the danger will increase. Mordor orcs now hold the eastern shore of Anduin, nor you will find safety of the western bank. Strange creatures bearing the mark of the white hand have been seen on our borders." Celeborn muttered as he hand Aragon a dagger, "you are being tracked." " By river you have the chance to out run the enemy, to the falls of Rauros."

Before they depart Galadriel gave each member of the Fellowship a gift. "My gift for Legolas is a bow of the Galahrim, worthy of the skill of out woodland kin." Legolas admired the bow as he pulled back the string. "These are the daggers of the Noldorin, they have already seen service in war." Pippin and Merry pulled out their daggers, " do not fear Peregrine Took, will find your courage." "And for you Samwise Gamgee, elven rope made from hithlain." She handed him the rope as Sam muttered, "thank you my lady, everyone has..those nice shiny daggers." She only smiled as she faced Tauriel. "My gift to you Tauriel, is the pendant of elin." She placed the pendant Legolas gave to her in her hand. She thought she had lost it. Galadriel face Tauriel, "the love you bear in your heart Tauriel is worth far more than what I could ever offer. And..the love you bear for another." Legolas Tauriel thought as she bowed her head. " and what gift would a dwarf ask of the elves?" Gimil looked down and muttered "nothing. Except to look upon the lady of the Galahrim one last time. For she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth." Galadriel laugh as Gimil started to blush. "Oh...actually there was one thing, no I am talking nonsense."

"I have nothing greater to give, than the gift you already bear." Galadriel muttered as she place her hand of the Evenstar. "For her love, I fear the grace of Arwen will diminish." She muttered in elvish as she faced Aragon. "I would have her leave these shores, and be with her people. I would have her take the ship to Valinor." "That choice is yet before her." She said, "you have your own choice to make Aragon, to rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendir. Or to fall into darkness with all that is left of your kin." Aragon faced her as she muttered, "Novaer(farewell)." Aragon looked down in respect as she pulled his chin up, "there is much you have yet to do." She stroke his cheek, "we shall not meet again...Elessar."

"Farewell, Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star." Galadriel hands Frodo a crystal phial as she kissed his head. "May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out."

"I have taken my worst wound at the parting, having looked upon that which is fairest. Henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it would be her gift to me." Legolas asked "what was her gift?" Tauriel sat at the back the boat with Legolas and Gimil. "I asked her for one hair from her golden head....she gave me three." Tauriel and Legolas smiled.

Tauriel looked to the river, "the love you bear in your heart Tauriel is worth far more than what I could ever offer. And..the love you bear for another."


Thanks for reading! I really liked the end of this chapter. I hoped you like it! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSMxx forever1912

The Here and Now [Legolas and Tauriel]sequel to What Once was LostTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon