Before Continuing...

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Hello guys! This is my first Mafia Brothers book on Wattpad, and I do hope that you can be patient with me. Here are a few things I would like all of my readers to know before reading:

1. There will be self-harm, blood, violent scenes... etc in this book. If you don't like it, then please leave as I will not be happy if I see hate comments on my book because you don't like it. Remember that this is a MAFIA book, and from what I know through research and common sense, the Mafia is not all sunshine and rainbows.

I will be trying my best to write out why a character does a certain thing and why. For example, if someone cuts themselves in my book, I will try my best to explain the feeling and why they would do that. I don't know if all of these feelings are reasons are accurate as I researched it online and have never experienced it before. If you do cut, please think things through. I'll always be here if you want to talk it out.

2. Do not make assumptions about me from what I write in my books. For example, if one of the characters make a racist comment, it does not mean that I am racist! If I do make a racist comment or anything, it is solely for the purpose of the story!

If you are confused or anything, do not hesitate to ask me, as I would rather you ask me and get the truth than make assumptions about me and get the lies. Not everything I write in this book is what I believe! For another example, if one of my characters is homophobic, that does not mean that I am. If you have any questions, just ask as long as they are appropriate!

3. This is not an Original Idea. I believe @isabelas7 started this theme, so props to her! I found inspiration to write this book from so many different authors, and I promise that I did not copy any of the authors out there who have written these types of stories before me. 

Just because I found inspiration from them doesn't mean that I copied their book! My book will have their own problems and family dynamics, that I can promise you. Also, please don't copy my book either. I worked really hard writing this, so please don't copy it. It is illegal and also not fair to me. 

4. I love it when you guys comment on my stories as long as it is positive, and/or constructive criticism. You can literally ask anyone here, but I can say pretty confidently that I LOVE comments! I am literally open to any as long as you aren't hating! So, comment all you want! However, it doesn't mean that I will reply to all of your comments

Although I would love to be able to, I don't have the time to reply to all of your comments, so I apologize if I don't reply to yours. However, I do try my best to read all of your comments. I do have a lot of conversations with some of my readers in the comments, and trust me, our conversations are definitely on the weird end of the spectrum, haha. 

5. There will be different languages in this book! (ie. Italian, Spanish, etc.) I am not familiar with many of the languages I put in here, so I will be using Google Translate. (If you do speak the language I translate, please do not hate because I am using Google Translate and we all know that Google Translate sucks. If you know the language I write in here, and the grammar is wrong, please comment and I'll fix it as soon as I can.) 

6. I cannot accommodate my book to all of your needs. I really really don't want to see people hating on me because you don't like how the character reacted to something. I am unable to adjust my story so that it fits what you want to see, so I hope that you guys can understand!

There will also be really corny scenes, and trust me, you will definitely feel the worst second-hand embarrassment while reading. So, you can look forward to that when reading, lmao. 

7. I like to get to know my readers. This means that in each chapter, there will be a 'QotC' which stands for 'Question of the Chapter'. If you want to, please do comment and answer the question!

8. This book is finished, but it is not edited. I am currently on a break, so I will not be editing this book as of yet. 

SO, this means that if you spot any grammar mistakes, it's probably my fault, though I promise that there won't be as many as you think there are. 

9. Here are the signs I will be using; a time skip, etc...

~ = The same day, but later on in the day (If it is later on in the day, I will not be rewriting the Point of View it is in. Just keep the same point of view from before. If it changes, I will write it.)

*** = This usually equals to an authors note.

*(words here)*= This is usually a trigger warning or an extremely important Author's Note.

That's all, guys! Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

~ CRAZY40429 💋 

Start: September 3, 2020

End: December 31, 2020

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