Chapter 51: Fluff-y Filler

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"I don't wanna go!" Sirius whined from beneath the covers as I drew open the curtains of his four-poster bed allowing the sunlight to stream in through the gaps and onto his perfect face

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"I don't wanna go!" Sirius whined from beneath the covers as I drew open the curtains of his four-poster bed allowing the sunlight to stream in through the gaps and onto his perfect face. His duvet was still thrown carelessly over his chest and the only visible part of his body was his head and the wiry hair it held that was over and under the pillows that he was hugging. I tugged on the duvet from the bottom of the bed but it only encouraged him to cling harder on his end of the sheet. "Nooo." We had Potions class first thing in the morning and Sirius was seriously dreading it. I resorted to brute force -though I didn't have much if anything at all- and harshly yanked the covers down while Sirius relinquished his hold and the act revealed a very toned Sirius Black wearing absolutely nothing except an incredibly hot pair of rather skimpy, black underwear and I was living for it. "Staring is rude, Moony." I rolled my eyes at the snark.

"Shut up, Siri. You're going to be late for breakfast."

"Maybe we could be late for breakfast together?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively which seemed to be happening a lot lately. We had never consummated our love -I know, so fancy- in the physical sense but honestly, that did nothing to stop Sirius' gutter mind or his scandalous jokes. Needless to say, I think joking about something would officially mean that you are comfortable with said topic. And even though our relationship virginity was actually due to real issues like insecurity and fear but we accepted it and that meant we were that much closer to becoming way way closer.

"Come on Sirius." I looked him in the eye with a faux sternness. He complied with a grunt and got out of bed and walked toward the bathroom door. I watched the flexing muscles in his back flex as he stretched his arms out and my eye line moved even lower to his tight arse that moved from left to right as he walked to the bathroom. And just before closing the door, he teased with a little preview. 

After he had readied himself and we joined the rest of the Marauders at breakfast, we headed straight for Potions in the dungeons. The stone floors sounded like small knocks that echoed through the passageway to the classroom. Naturally, as we entered the open room, Professor Slughorn stood gleefully -which was way too happy for anyone's good- at the front of the room. Next to him, there was a wheeled blackboard which had four words written on with chalk reading 'Potion for Dreamless Sleep.' Sirius and I walked into the room, our fingers entwined. Most of the teachers ignored our affection but I just think everyone was simply too scared of McGonagall to actually act on their ancient and out dated impulses. She was underrated.

"Good morning all, today we'll be doing things a little differently." Oh no, different was seldom enjoyable when it came to Slughorn. "I haven't previously brewed a potion for reference so instead of the typical explanation at the beginning of class, you will all brew the potion after which I will explain the properties and uses of the Potion for Dreamless Sleep. The ingredients and procedure can be found on page thirty seven. You may begin after choosing your pairs.

"Are you ready?" I turned to Sirius who was standing right next to me.

"Actually, I sort of promised James I would help him because Peter is with Mary. I'm so sorry." He looked guilty, but it didn't really matter, because Lily was open for a partner. I didn't want her to be like a second choice but we were a great team and we worked really well together.

"No, it's okay. We'll still sit on neighbouring benches." And with that, we went our separate ways. I went to the desk where Lily was returning from her collection of the contents necessary. She smirked at me knowingly, it seems she anticipated that I would come crawling back to her. "Mind if I join you?" She shook her head while chuckling and nodded to me while I turned up the heat of the cauldron according to the recipe.

"Re, good luck on your potion." Sirius had tugged on the back of my robes and pulled me down to peck me on my lips before turning around with another word. Everyone in the room was too invested in their own deeds to notice.

"You're turning red, Lupin." Lily teased and then returned her focus to the potion while I simultaneously began to slice up the sloth's brain. It was really slimy and I regretted it as soon as I touched it but I started slicing it and I had to finish it.

"Shut up Evans." I retorted, still blushing while she laughed at my diffidence.

"I hate how cute you two are, all loved-dovey and new-coupley. Disgusting, honestly." She carefully took the pieces of brain and slowly eased them into the boiling liquid what soon turned green at the addition of the new ingredient.

"You could be the same if you just admitted your crush on James Potter." She immediately stopped her stirring so I took over because the book called for ten and she stopped at how effing right I was about her love life.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, did my audacity and sheer accuracy of my accusation startle you and that inactive part of your brain that used to be reserved for crushing on my best friend?" Her mouth hung open at my serious but light-hearted comment.

"Where did the sudden savage come from?" I chuckled but she was not having it, mostly because I was right.

"Didn't you say yes to him after you punched Snape in the face?" I innocently questioned her motives but she looked at me exasperated.

"First of all, how do you know this, you weren't even there! You were too busy making out with your six-year long crush on the roof of the Astronomy Tower so I mean, just saying." She aggressively pointed her finger at me while I desperately tried to keep the potion on the right track. "And second of all, I did not say yes, I just didn't say no!" She had lowered her voice but increased her intensity.

"Well it was good enough clearly because it was the basis on which he ended this years' Prank Wars. Since you saying yes was so unbelievable, I made it a criteria but thank you for saying yes because I would not like to go against my boyfriend.

"So, one could speculate that I actually made a sacrifice for you." Internally rolling my eyes until they pop out.

"Shut up Lily."

Word Count:- 1148

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Word Count:- 1148

Love, Kale.

Consequences Of The Heart.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt