Chapter 13: Pining for the Innocent Devil

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The heat was being particularly evil today and the greenhouse simply acted as an oven to substitute as a pawn in its games

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The heat was being particularly evil today and the greenhouse simply acted as an oven to substitute as a pawn in its games. The glass created for a blinding effect all around due to the sun overhead, watching over everyone and tormenting them just as much. Herbology this year was with the Hufflepuffs. They were always pleasant to be around, even though some of them were narcissistic jerks though no one would expect it.

Most of us Gryffindors however clumped together and stuck with our 'own kind'. And so did the Hufflepuffs so we simply had an unspoken agreement to stay on our own side of the room. Professor Beery was found at the end of the long row of potted plants with misshapen leaves and roots. He was his usual cheerful self, clothed in an attention-seeking, mustard yellow overcoat and and old, grey vest that had a random assortment of threads protruding in the oddest of places in an irking manner. His dedication to Hufflepuff was both admirable and unnecessarily extra.

"Good morning class, and how are all of you today?" He received -as usual- a rehearsed choir of 'good' from everyone. "Alright then, let's began!" His high-pitched voice that only raised in excitement at the end to create a deafening sound. "For today's lesson, we will be learning about Venomous Tentacula. Yay!" This was, in layman's terms, hell on Earth. He is way to high and over excited to be an educator. "A few pointers first: Venomous Tentacula expels venom from its shoots, and its spikes are deadly. Its bite is highly venomous and can easily stun or kill. Its juice is also a less than lethal poison. Which is why there are a few safety measures we are required to take." He stopped and went behind the shelves and stacks of pots, returning with a creepy headpiece the colour of crap in addition to a large article of clothing like a giant sized raincoat that looked like it had been slathered in mud and had dry leaves sewn in a camouflage pattern: it was hideous. "You will all wear these uniforms for your own protection."

"Aw hell no!" A Hufflepuff girl had spoken up. She was pretty pretty. She was standing opposite Remus on the other side of the table. She wore the correct uniform, but without her robes. She wore an enormous, yellow bow in her silky, brown hair with a few yellow streaks running down the sides. Furthermore, her skirt was short; shorter than usual. It was short enough to be scandalous  but long enough to be legal. "I put work into this hair every morning and you expect me to render that entire hour of my morning just so I won't die. Oh, sweetie no." Professor Beery's smile dropped; he wasn't angry but he wasn't happy. 

"Miss Proveaux, either you wear it or I will be perfectly content with asking you leave and call you tonight for detention." I saw that Miss Hufflepuff Proveaux had actually began packing away her gloves. "But I must inform you that Venomous Tentacula will be included in your NEWTs next year." She stopped halfway and began unpacking, sending a threatening glare in his direction which he promptly ignored.

The entire mixed class went to the back to grab one of those 'whatever they are's. "Before I forget, students are permitted to swear loudly if a Tentacula tries to strangle them during lessons. Also, only in an emergency, a Severing Charm can be used to both stun the plant and sever its vines. Let's get started." Awesome.

He began some detailed hypothesis, or thesis or some crap but I had more important deeds to pursue or rather a very important tradition to uphold. "Hey Lily, I was just wondering."

"Oh Merlin, please don't." 

"Maybe sometime you and I co-" 

"No." Rude.

"You didn't even let me go an extra syllable this time!" But hey, I remember the days where I couldn't even say her name without being shut down so I guess I can't really complain.

"FUCKING SHIT!" About halfway through the class, me and Sirius began to randomly swear for no apparent reason. But we had a pass so technically, we were untouchable. "MERLIN'S BALLS!"

But through the curses, I realised something: Remus -for once- was not speaking. Peter and Sirius were in some hushed conversation about, you guessed it, the Prank Wars after he stopped the swears. We really needed more ideas for that but back to the point: Remus wasn't talking. It was actually quiet, I may have just stumbled upon a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon. But when I looked over to him, I discovered the truth: he was totally ogling Miss I'm-an-innocent-devil. 

I didn't want to cause a commotion or a scene so I discreetly pulled him to the side. It wasn't often that I found out something before anyone else, especially Lily and I was not ashamed to take a buttload of pride in it. "You got it bad, don't you." I tried to play it cool and hold in a smile but the content was basically bursting out of me. 

"Somehow, I have lost you already." 

"You know the Hair Bow Babe that you were totally checking out." It was the first time I had seen Moony blush. Like ever. And it was a sight to behold. His cheeks reddened uncontrollably in a rapid fashion and he got all flustered and looked away in embarrassment. It was rather funny. "Come on, go ask her out."

"No. I've never done that." He whisper yelled in response. 

"Just do it!" I actually yelled receiving questioning glares form everyone in the room except for Professor weirdly enough who was probably in his own, personal world of sunshine and rainbows. But, my little loud outburst had of course prevented the Marauders plus Lily from minding their own business and decided to pitch into our argument, if you could call it that. 

"Okay, what's going on?" Lily was obviously the first one to intervene as the usual butt in-er. 

"Remus has a crush on that Hufflepuff girl and I'm telling him to ask her out because he's never had a girlfriend." Lily laughed under her breath for some reason and I couldn't help but feel I was missing something.



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PS. Harriet's Collage
The cigarettes are to show her confirmed uniqueness in society if that makes any sense.
The Hufflepuff scarf is to symbolise her house pride.
The wall is pretty simple, it's to show her strength both emotionally and physically.
The lightning is to present her spontaneity and harshness.
The cat is just only because she's a cat person.
And finally the sky is to show her beauty and speciality but how everyone sort of is invested in their own issues to ever notice.

Word Count:- 1149

Love, Kale.

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