Chapter 24: Rat Patootie for Dinner!

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Halloween. The first prank. There was too much to do to worry about anyone else except Sirius, who was thankfully back so we could win against Remus. We walked down the long hallway toward the Great Hall. We were heavily plotting and I really think he hit a goldmine on the releasing dragons on Prongs and Remus and making them fight it but on another note, where would we get dragons. But that's the whole point of planning, now all we had to do was find dragons and that can't be as hard as everyone describes it to be so we would be okay. The entire walk was long and seemed way too quiet for it to be normal. Padfoot was looking around eerily as well suspicious that there was not a single person headed to the Great Hall for the glorious Halloween Feast. Maybe they're all there already. I mean I totally understand getting there early to mentally prepare myself for the delicacies waiting to fulfil their lifelong dream of being devoured. Obviously.

Padfoot placed his hand in front of me to stop me in my path which I truthfully had no time for considering there was food waiting to be eaten! But he looked around in anticipation for something. 

Then, out of nowhere there was an unnecessarily loud thud. This was followed by another. And then another. The loud sounds continued to echo through the hallway in a disruptive manner. The noises heavily resembled footprints and they got louder and louder with every single one. We looked around for the source of the noise but it just seemed to come from every single direction without a particular source. The noises were so heavy, I could swear I felt the ground tremble in the vibrations. The intensity of the footprints increased with every second. 

Then, out from behind the shadows around the corner, something emerged. It was big and ghastlier than I imagined. The creature had slimy, greenish skin that drabbly complimented his dusty attire, by which I obviously mean the rags that he lazily draped over himself probably in the time span of a few seconds. They were torn or rather ripped in the worst of places but they were just enough to hide what I didn't to see. Unfortunately he couldn't have taken the extra time to put on a pair of flabby shoes to clothe the revolting barges he called his feet. Each of them were bigger than his head and had four toes with black nails, each the size of a long piece of parchment. They were peeled off into weird shapes and bits of dead cells protruded from them in the oddest of places. His toes were -to put it lightly- deformed. They were all different sizes and shapes and it was very uncomfortable especially when I was staring straight at them. There was a thick layer of gunk jam that was sandwiched between each toe. 

His belly burst out, flabbing over his cloth -not clothes, I wouldn't grace them with that compliment- and seemed to be the greenest part of his body. As my eyes travelled sky high, they landed on the monstrosity he called his face. I mean, it isn't very hard to invest in a few skin products. Somehow, even though he had the flab, his jawline was somehow existent. His bald, boiled egg head had skin peeling of the top and his ears seemed to take up at least 30% of his face. He had big eyes that almost matched his ears and eyelids that only fit half the way. 

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