"Papyrus! What the hell!! When did that happen!?"

"I... FELL IN The morning..."

Oh god his voice...

"Ya know what? You're not going to school today. I am pretty sure we're late. I will tell Toriel about you're absence. But still... What happened?"

"W-WELL I...-aa-...w-WANTE-d to GIVE YOU SOM-eth-ING. I THEN CAREFully PLACED I-IT ON THE CL-oset.. And.. SLIPPED OUT OF...the room.. and THEN THE LIG-Hts WENT ouT... I COULDN'T see... ANYTHING! SO.. I TRIED TO light... It... Up... BY THE COOL Trick... You... TOLD ME... A YEAR AGO... AND.... IT Blasted...me... OF THE second Floor......."


It took him two minutes say that. I was in utter shock of what happened.
Don't know how to react. Should I be Mad at the Main Power Station. Or feel bad for Papyrus... Or be mad at myself? Well Right Now, I should heal him first."

"B-BROTHER... PLease... Don't use.... ALL OF you.. MA-gic.. To HEAL ME..."

"K...  I'll be careful"

After 10 minutes of hard magic using... I somewhat managed to heal him. There was still the broken bones though... Gotta say. Those magic training classes were.. really paying off. When I looked at Papyrus.. he was asleep. Must've been really tired. How did he even get to his room? He can't teleport yet..

I left the house. Lucky the school was very close too our house. After all that magic... I don't think I can teleport anywhere. I stopped by at Toriel's school to tell her about Papyrus's accident. She got extremely worried. I managed to calm her down when I said that I did heal him a bit. She then lended me some of her magic so that I can teleport to school.

Then I noticed Dust. Oh yea. I was
supposed to ask Papyrus to heal him. Hmm. Let me ask Blue instead then. He is one of the good healer Sanses in here.

After talking to him, he instantly went to Dust and began healing him. And I just noticed something.. Was Dust... blushing?

I left them there. Better not interrupt anything.

I saw Red waiting for me at the gate. I... Was not expecting him to be there. I mean, yes he would wait for me at Toriel's school and then we came to the school together, but Today I was very late... Isn't the teacher going to be mad at him for being late?

"Took ya long enough.."
"S-sorry.. I was just healing Papyrus.."

"Cinnamon? Why? Wat happened to'em? And wats up with the new hoodie?"

"Oh. Papyrus gave it to me this morning. And he's okay now.. he just fell from the second floor.."

"Wat!? Is he alright? Did he-"

"Woah woah calm down Red! Don't look so chilled to the bone."

"Nat a pun time for telling puns.."
"Let's just go to class. I will tell you everything later.."

As I was walking towards our class. I had a phone call.

"Hello Sans. Honey here. I heard about what happened to Papyrus from Toriel. So me and Edge came over to look over him. I hope you don't mind?"

Thank goodness. Now I don't have to worry about him anymore.

"No no. Not at all! Just remember that the bathroom is in the third floor. Papyrus favourite cereal is in the counter. If he wants more that I am sure you can give him some. Their in the fridge. The milk is in the table. And please make sure he doesn't talk to much. His voice is really sore right now. Make sure he doesn't get up on his own too. He has a broken leg you see. Also see If Edge can heal him. And if he doesn't go to sleep than take 'The fluffy bunny went to a picnic' book and start reading from page 12. That's were I last left it. Can you do that Honey?"

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