FIVE: You're Still the One

Start from the beginning

    "My pleasure. Let me see if I can get Harry down." Louis says. I feel Briley's energy completely switch. I don't know if she's ready to see him. I don't even know if she knows if she's ready to see him. I grip her hand tightly and she looks up at me. She gives me a fake smile and I know she knows I can see right through it. But it's okay, I'm just happy to be a source of strength for her right now. Who knows what's going to happen when she sees Harry. "Hazza! Guests!" Louis yells up the stairs. No response. Louis sighs and looks to Briley who looks nervous and tries to hide the fact that she's becoming upset. He gives her a quick hug and turns to the rest of us. "Show her around?" he asks us. We all nod and start leading her around the house.

Louis' POV

    I walk upstairs. I knock on Harry's door and then try the handle; it's locked.

    "Harry, open up. I know you're in there." I say through the door.

    "Are the lads here?" he asks me.

    "Yes." I reply.

    "I'm asleep." he tells me. I sigh again.

    "I'll get the key." I threaten. I hear some muffled noises and he opens the door.

    "Why do you always have to threaten me with the key?" he pouts.

    "Why do you always have to lock your door?" I respond. He crosses his arms.

    "My door is locked for a reason you know. I'm going to hide the key from you one of these days." he mumbles.

    "Until then, can you come downstairs, please?" I ask. He sighs and hugs me tightly.

    "I don't know if I'm ready to see Zayn. I'm sure he and Briley are back together and I don't know if I can handle being around him. I'm still in love with her." he tells me as he releases me.

    "Downstairs. We'll do it together. Come on." I tell him, pulling him towards the stairs.

    I hope he'll be okay with Briley being here. I didn't tell him Zayn was bringing her back with him, just that Zayn was coming back early. I knew that if I told him, he would make sure to not be here when she arrived, and I think seeing her will be good for him, even though I know she's back together with Zayn. We start walking down the stairs, him in front of me, and he stops dead in his tracks when he sees Briley, who is wrapped up in Zayn's arms.

    "Bri?" he says quietly, fully frozen on the second to last stair. Briley turns to face him and freezes as well. Zayn releases her. Harry looks at Zayn. "A minute, please?" Harry asks him. Zayn nods and I push Harry down the stairs to make room for the other lads to come up with me.

    "Alright lads, let's go on up to my room shall we? We shall, Louis! Okay, let's go. Okay, Louis!" I say, ushering them all upstairs quickly. I wait until all three of them have passed me and follow them. We go upstairs quickly and I lock the door once we're all in my room.

Harry's POV

    "What are you doing here? I thought..." I trail off, still in slight shock and disbelief by the fact that Bri's actually here right now. Is this real?

    "Zayn was homesick and he knew how sad I was being away from all of you so he offered to bring me back here for the summer. Louis didn't tell you I was coming?" she asks.

    "No, he didn't. For the summer?" I ask. She nods. "The whole summer?" I ask again. She nods again. I take a breath and we sit down, waiting in silence for a few seconds. "So... you and Zayn are... together again?" I ask slowly. She looks away from me and nods.

Truly, Madly, Deeply (Book 2 of the Summer Love series) || 1DWhere stories live. Discover now