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Crutchie POV
I sighed happily when I sat down in my chair. It was nice being back at school and with my friends. My dad was hung over and passed out this morning, so I managed to slip by him. Elmer sat down next to me and Jack sat on the other side. I could tell something was bothering him big time.

"Jack, and you sure you're okay?" I asked, tapping his shoulder.

"I'm fine." He insisted. "But I need to do something, so tell the other guys I'm going to be late for lunch."

"What? Why?" Elmer, who had been listening, asked.

"I have to take care of something." Jack answered vaguely.

"That is not a good excuse." Davey pointed out, joining our conversation.

"It's not supposed to be an excuse." Jack snapped a little. Then he sighed. "Look, I can't tell you why, but just know it's important."

"Fine," I sighed and Elmer and Davey nodded. I turned my attention to the board where the teacher was working on a math problem from the homework. It was the one Elmer an dI had been debating about.

"... so the answer would be 17." I tuned into the teachers rambling then. I turned to Elmer with a smug expression on.

"Boom, look who was right." He scoffed and rolled his eyes, but I knew he wasn't actually mad at me. I made sure nobody was looking and grabbed his hand under the table, just because I wanted to hold hands. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I turned my attention back to the lesson, focusing on that for the rest of class.

Jack POV
I felt bad for lying to them. But I can't tell them the truth. I had finally come to a decision, even though I was very reluctant about it. I could tell Crutchie and Davey were especially concerned, but had to push it away. I had to do this. Before I knew it, class was over and the bell had rung. I walked out of class and towards my spanish without talking to anyone.

I sat down in spanish, it was the only class I had without anyone from the gang. Thats a good thing today, no questions for now. I pushed away the thoughts and focused on spanish, for I wasn't that good at it.

~~~Time of the Skips~~~

I stepped out of my classroom with a sigh. I turned and headed towards the office, against the crushing crowd of people going to the cafeteria. I finally made it as the halls cleared out, and opened the door. Hannah was there typing something.

"Hey, I need to see Pulitzer." I said. Her head snapped up, but her gaze softened a little when it landed on me.

"He is ready for you, and hey. Make the right choice." She said with a smile. I nodded and walked into his office. I guess he told her about it, or maybe she was just listening in. I wondered as I sat down.

"Ah, Mr. Kelly. Glad to see you." Pulitzer said, his voice was completely drenched in sarcasm. "I trust you have thought over what I have said to you?"

"Yeah, I have." I say, acting nonchalant. On the inside I was tearing myself up with anxiety and over the decision I had come to. "And it may shock you a little." I said with a small smirk. Pulitzer whipped around to face me, as he had previously been facing a window.

"Are you trying to find a loophole? Because there is none!" He assured and I laughed a little.

"I hadn't thought of that, thanks for the idea. But no. I haven't thought of a loophole. I have an answer, a real one." I said seriously. His eyes pricked with curiosity.

"Do tell me. Remember it was between all your friends being expelled, or you talking against this 'strike' at the rally." Pulitzer informed. I scoffed.

"Yeah I remembered what the options were. There were only two, you think I'd forget?" I laughed, while he looked ready to murder.

"Yes, I get it. Now would you please just spit it out so I can start planning either reasons to expel you and your friends or words you should say." He growled. I gulped slowly and took a small breath. This was it, and I hated it.

"I will speak against the strike."

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