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Davey POV
I walked outside of the hospital, chatting with Romeo and Finch.

"Okay, but Phineas and Ferb is a classic!" I argued.

"I've never seen it." Finch said, putting his hands up defensively.

"Hoooooooooowwwwwww?! There are over one hundred episodes and it lasted for YEARS and you haven't seen one episode?" Romeo said in disbelief. Finch shrugged.

"I guess I just never got into it," They continued to debate, and I added a few comments, until Romeo convinced Finch to watch at least one episode. I felt someone tap my arm and turned to see Jack.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," He replied. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house tomorrow, and help me work on the posters?" I smiled and nodded.

"I would love too! What time?"

"How about 1-3?" Jack suggested.

"Sure, I don't have anything then and I can make sure all of this is good with my family." Jack smiled a nodded. Race called him over to a car and he waved goodbye. I heard a little bit of what Race said, right before my mom's car pulled up and I got in the front seat.

"-you'se gotta date?!" Race said mockingly. Jack punched him and said something I didn't catch. My heart soared a little, but I made sure not to let it get to happy. They could be talking about someone else. Or they are talking about you. But you saw how Jack reacted so he obviously doesn't think its a date, nor does he want it to. I internally debated with myself, until Les snapped me out of it.

"DAVEYYYYYY!" He yelled in my ear. He must have leaned forward and around the seat to be able to do that. I jumped and glared at him.


"Mom asked what plans you have this weekend." Les said in a normal voice.

"A friend invited me over tomorrow from 1-3 I informed."

"Who?" My mom questioned. I mumbled a name, but apparently she didn't hear. "Who is it honey?"

"Jack," I mumbled, barely audible. Apparently it was not quiet enough, for Les grinned like an idiot.

"OoOo a date!" He said.

"No! We are working on a project!" I snapped. Les giggled, and I heard him mutter something along the lines of "sure you are". I swear I wanted to punch him right now. I refrained from doing so as my mom asked me a question.

"Where does he live?"

"I will... actually need to text him and ask that." I said, confused on why I hadn't asked Jack in the first place. You were too shocked he actually asked you to do something with him alone. My brain instantly replied. I ignored that thought and focused instead on the conversation Les and Sarah were having.

"You're in 7th grade!" Sarah said, sounding exasperated.

"Thats old enough!" Les argued.

"You have a girlfriend. In 7th grade. What do you hold hands in the hallway?" Sarah mocked. Les stuck his tongue out at her.

"No, we are going to start going out on real dates. Like movies!"

"I bet all the gossip around school is about you. Les and this random girl, will they or won't they." I said, faking a headline. Les grumbled and looked out the window while Sarah and I laughed.

Soon we made it to our house, and went inside. Sarah and I had already finished our minimal homework, but Les still had some from a "teacher that feels the need to quiz you on everything and anything". I noticed Sarah texting someone and questioned who.

"Oh? Just Katherine." She responded. I raised an eyebrow.

"You know being twins means I can tell when you are hiding something." I looked at her. Her cheeks got a little red and I smiled triumphantly. "I knew it! Something happened between you and Katherine? Spill!" I said, propping myself up on my arms.

"Fiiiiiiine. You CANNOT tell anyone... but we may or may not be planing to go on a date tomorrow." I smiled at this.

"Where doing what?" I asked.

"You sound like an overprotective dad." Sarah joked. "And just a walk in the park." I nodded.

"If she ever breaks your heart or cheats, tell me and I will soak her." I warned. Sarah chuckled.

"Hopefully that will not be needed, but I will." She paused then smirked at me. "Now what about YOUR date with Jack?"

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