Somethings Up

382 13 3

TW: None that I know of (please tell me any tho)

Spot POV
I noticed they seemed to be talking to someone. That person did not look like they were willingly talking with them. I cracked my knuckles and walked over to them, tapping Oscar on the shoulder.

"Get away or else." I snarled. He smirked a little, looking me up and down.

"Or else what little bo-" he was cut off by a punch to the gut. By me.

"Or else more of that."

"Let's go Morris, it's not worth out time... yet." I heard him add the last word while walking away. I turned to the person and my heart dropped a little.

"Hey Crutch. You good?"

"I'm fine. Thanks though," He responded. I noticed his voice didn't seem as cold as it did a little while ago.

"I'se wanted to talk to ya. Just wondering what Jack said." I said when I saw the defensive look in his eyes. He sighed then answered.

"I had a black-eye once, and Jack noticed. I kept telling him it was from me falling hut he never believed it. He kept bringing it up, and I told him to drop it. He didn't and I just got so annoyed." I nodded, it made sense (even if I didn't believe him either).

"I don't see no black-eye," I commented. He laughed dryly.

"Crazy what make-up can do." I nodded getting it. The bell rang then.

"Wanna walk togetha?" I asked. He nodded smiling. We started walking to his class, which was only a little away from mine. We talked about everything and nothing at the same time, if thats possible. I saw Jack walk towards us and glared. He stopped and walked into class, even though he still had it with Crutchie.

"See you at lunch." Crutchie said.

"See ya,"

Jack POV
I sat down at our normal table with Elmer and the newly added Davey. I had seen Crutchie and Spot talking, and went to go talk with them, but after the glare Spot gave me I retreated.

"Was it my fault?" I heard someone barely whisper. I looked up to see Elmer the one who asked.

"What?! No no no. Trust me it wasn't yours Elm." I reassured him. He looked a little better and nodded. Davey gave me a mix of a sympathetic look and a hard glare. Just then Crutchie walked in. He sat at our table but didn't acknowledge us.

"Crutch I-" I started.

"Save your breath. I don't want to hear it." Crutchie cut me off. If I learned anything from the morning, it was to stop, so I did.

Davey POV
I could tell something was up with Crutchie. I noticed it during math. Every few seconds he would shake his head, as if to shake himself awake. He would also be squinting at the board a lot, almost as if he needed to concentrate more.

Once class was over I walked to my next one. I met up with Specs and Albert while in there. It felt like forever as we waited for lunch. Finally the bell rang and we scrambled to get to the cafeteria. Once in I saw almost everyone at the table, minus Spot, Crutchie, and Finch.

I sat down in my normal space, Jack sitting next to my again. I would be lying if I said my heart didn't flutter a little. Sarah had pulled up a chair next to Katherine to make room for herself. Spot and Crutchie came in at the same time and sat down. Crutchie had a 'don't talk to me' look on his face. Spot looked angry, but mostly directed towards Jack.

The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

"Soooo.... any ideas 'bout the rules?" Race asked, breaking the silence. People started to bounce some around. A rally sounded like the most popular option.

"And we could have the other clubs and sports too!" Specs pointed out.

"And keep if after school so nobody misses classes," I add. Albert, Romeo, and Race groan a little at my comment.

"But I want an excuse away from english. It's so booooooooring." Romeo said, holding out the 'o'. I looked over at Crutchie and saw him shaking his head again. He still held a kind-of glazed over look in his eyes. Something had to have happened.

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