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TW: Bruises, Blood, Kinda Graphic

Jack POV
I frantically typed.

JackBeNimble: Where are you and how bad is he?!

Davey looked over my shoulder and read the next text.

LesbianOfDemise: English hall, room 372, and hes unconscious and not breathing too well

Once I read where I sprinted off. I heard footsteps behind me and knew Davey was following. I slid into the hallway, quickly checking the time. We had about 7 minutes of lunch left. I quickly opened the classroom door and walked in.

Most of the group was there, only Albert and Finch weren't. Specs was hugging Romeo who seemed close to crying. Katherine was on the phone and pacing a little. Sarah was talking with her, probably also speaking to whoever was on the phone. Spot and Race were quitely talking, and I saw Spot cast many nervous glances to the side. Race seemed to be distracting Spot, snapping his fingers in his face every time Spot looked over. My eyes finally landed on Elmer and Crutchie. My heart stopped when I saw him.

He was covered in bruises and blood. His right arm was at a weird angle, and his eyes were closed. He looked pretty peaceful, but I could tell by the way his chest moved he wasn't doing good. His chest was moving very little, and when it did it seemed to be in pain. Elmer had tear streaks on his face and was wiping some blood off.

I walked up to Elmer and sat down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He jumped at my touch, then looked my way. I saw the pain in his eyes and knew it was probably reflected in mine. Just as Albert and Finch came into the room and took in the situation, Katherine ended the call.

"Okay, I just informed the emergency room and the school. The ambulance should be here soon," She paused a little. For some reason we were all being relatively calm. I felt like a tornado inside, but kept my cool on the outside. "They said we should probably stay in school for the rest of the day, but that after we could visit." We all nodded glumly.

Was this my fault? I did get him mad at me, and that meant I couldn't stay with him to walk or talk. I thought to myself. I must have zoned out, because when I felt a hand on my back I jumped. I looked up and saw Davey.

"This wasn't your fault. I promise," he must have read my mind. He smiled, and I felt a few fireworks go off in me. I smiled back weakly and turned back to Crutchie to help Elmer clean him off a little. Soon the paramedics came and took him away. Davey had to hold me back as they took him, I didn't want to leave his side. The secretary to the principal- I think her name was Hannah- came down to talk with us.

"I know you all are probably scared, and thats okay. The medics assured me he would be okay, I believe them and so should you." She started. "We have the counselors ready in case you want to talk, which I know you probably won't but better safe then sorry, but we do ask you to stay here for the remainder of the day. You can tell people about it, but it would be best if you didn't, for your own sake. I don't think it would be fun to have people grilling you after a dear friend was just taken to the ER." The bell interrupted her. "I will give you all late passes, but you should be heading to class soon." We all nodded and took the passes. She was actually really nice and pretty funny.

We stood in silence for a little, letting the few people in the hallways pass us. Specs snapped us out of it.

"Hey, lets go ahead and go." He said. Finch nodded.

"Just think about this, the school will get our minds off of it and then before we know it we will be able to see him." He assured. I smirked a little.

"Didn't know you'se was such a philosopher." I joked. This elicited a few laughs from people. Soon it was just Finch, Sarah, and I walking towards class. This was going to be a long day.

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