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Davey POV
Crutchie is going to be okay. He has forgiven us. I kept telling myself as I walked out of the door. I was smiling widely, and mostly focused on those thoughts. That is probably why it took me a while to notice my fingers were still intertwined with Jacks.

This was after we had heard the squeal from inside the room. I chuckled a little, and happened to look down. I saw our hands and then felt them. Immediately I pulled my hand away, horrified at myself for doing that.

"You'se okay?" Jack asked. I nodded in response, not trusting my words. I had just accidentally been holding hands with someone for about 30 minutes. But not just anyone, no, life had to screw me up by making it Jack. When I came back into reality, I noticed Jack looking skeptical. He didn't push and I was very grateful for that. Soon Spot came out alone.

"Hey, where is Elmer?" Katherine asked. Spot motioned to the room.

"Still in there. I have to go guys, see ya tomorrow." He said and walked away. I snickered a little. Of course Spot would just up and leave, but of course he would come back here tomorrow to make up for it. I looked back over what had happened. Our gang had stayed pretty calm, actually. It was almost scary. A friend got beat up and taken to the hospital, and we were calm on the outside.

I shuddered a little, knowing that that was on the outside. At least for me, during the whole ordeal, I was having major internal conflict. I won't bore you with it, but just know that it was... confusing. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Jack.

"It's time to go," he whispered. I must have looked shocked, because he smiled one of those cocky grins. "You'se been thinking for a while. Like a LONG time." He emphasized the 'long'.

"How long?" I asked, tilting my head suspiciously.

"Well, it is not 6:30 and the hospital is starting to close visitor hours." I stared at him, wide eyed. I was thinking for that long?! And I hadn't even thought of much. Great. I got up and stretched my legs a little. Jack did the same. I noticed everyone except Sarah, Jack, Race, and I were gone. Probably have lives. I thought to myself. Sarah and Race noticed us getting up and got up too. I pulled out my phone to text my mom, but Sarah shook her head.

"Already called her." She said, with a small smirk. I nodded back, and Race and Jack looked surprised.

"So... wait. Do you'se have a twin telepathy thing?" Race asked, as we started to shuffle to the exit. Sarah and I laughed.

"Not really, we just know each other well." I responded. Race raised an eyebrow doubtfully.

"You'se sure? Not even a little?" He asked. Sarah and I laughed again.

"No, none at all. Just, when you live you while lives together, you start to expect what they are going to do." Sarah explained. Race took the answer for now, but looked like he wanted to ask more questions later. He probably will. Just then, out mom arrived. Les popped his head out of the window of the backseat and grinned at us.

"Hi Sarah and Davey and friends!" He waved. Sarah and I sighed while Jack and Race waved back.

"Bye Race, bye Jack. See you tomorrow." I said as I hopped into the front seat. Once we had started moving Les looked at me.

"So that is Jack," he said, with a smile that really makes me want to punch him. I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance while Sarah giggled. I scowled at her and responded with,

"You should see what Katherine looks like." Sarah's giggles stoped immediately and it was her turn to glare at me.

"Back off, she is mine."

"I never said I wanted her, just saying Les should meet her." I said defensively, putting my hands up as in to surrender.

"We both know what would happen if that came true." Sarah retorted. Les grinned again.

"I would tell her how much you talk about her, and how you LOOOOOOOOOOOVE her." Les informed, while dissolving in a fit of laughter. I laughed with him, while Sarah frowned angrily at us both.

Sarah POV

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