Chapter 2

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We awoke to the sound of the door opening, a man came in with a case full of blood bags.
"Stefan has orders that if either of you harm Ms Greene you are to be put to death as she's a valuable asset," he put the bags in the fridge.
"Well you can tell Stefan a message from me," the man froze, obviously not expecting me to speak to him directly. "If he lays a hand on either of them I will make my blood useless to him."
"Yes miss," he left as quickly as he came.

"So do you want food ?" Nadia got up looking through the food in the fridge, she pulled out two blood bags along with eggs, bacon and milk, I pulled out some pans then put them next to the cooker while Vicky made us all coffee's. "Oh by the way, Vic, caffeine helps warm the body up and alcohol helps curb the cravings, as long as you have a good amount of blood in your system, at least two bags, you should feel the need to rip people's head off for blood."

"Thanks for the advice," Vicky passed me my mug. "So how long do you think we'll be here for ?" She sat down on the counter.

"Well I'm useful until after my birthday and Stefan gets his share of my blood, once that's done god knows what will happen to me, since he turned you maybe he'll let you go," I took a sip from my coffee. "Now onto a more joyful conversation, what shall we do ? Because I'm guessing we're stuck in here for god knows how long, what do we do to pass the time ?"

"Well we have TV, why don't we just watch movies ? There's really not much left to do," Nadia finished the eggs and put them on the plate with the bacon, we grabbed our plates then sat on, what I assume was now Vicky's, bed, Nadia had the bed next to this one, which meant the bed with the TV opposite was mine.

"What movies ?" Vicky and Nadia started talking about movies but I was thinking too hard to actually make out any words, we were acting normal, like we did this everyday yet we had only been here two days, and one of them was spent crying and telling Vicky everything. How long would we be here ? How long til we could leave ? Heck could we even leave at all ? Were we only allowed to be in this room ?

"What do you think Av ?" Nadia's voice brought me back.

"Think of what ?" Vicky rolled her eyes, I usually never paid attention so this was normal to her.

"We were going to watch all those cheesy romantic films, Vicky said you love that stuff," Nadia had warmed upto us, I felt bad knowing she'd been alone for so long, without anyone to lean on, I had already made up in my mind that if we ever got out of here I was taking her with me.

"I'd like that," we finished our breakfast and sat on my bed with the comforter around us.

That was how we spent most of the day, until Lizze came in.

"Hello ladies," she smiled at me as two body guards backed her up, but it wasn't a nice smile, more a I'll-kill-you-in-a-heartbeat kind of smile. "I believe that Avalon, you are coming with us."

"Why is that ?" I stood up, keeping Nadia and Vicky behind me.

"You have been summoned, now hurry," I quickly turned to the girls behind me, one look at Vicky and I could tell she was petrified to see me leave, I tried to give her, what looked like a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay, I promise, no one is going to get you while I'm gone, I give you my word," I turned back and followed Lizze, she closed the door after us and lead me down the corridor, she opened a door at the door at the end of the hall before shoving me into the room, hard.

"Look at little Avalon, so weak, so pathetic, all vulnerable, what a sight to see," Lizze started to circle me.

"How low you have fallen Lizze, what, couldn't get anyone to love you so turned to a murderer instead ?" This got me a swift kick to the ribs which sent me rolling back onto my back.

"Shut up or I'll make this worse for you," Lizze sneered.

"Why are you doing this ? What did I ever do to you ?"

"What did you ever do to me ? You honestly don't know ?" she nodded to one of her men, then I felt a sharp pain to my jaw. "YOU MURDERED MY BEST FRIEND!" She slapped me hard across the cheek. "And now you're going to wish you died instead of her, boys she's all yours."

The boys both had smiling faces as they advanced on me, one pinned me down as the other punched my stomach, I stayed silent though, with tears streaming down my face, they soon got tired of punching as one brought out a knife, I tired to jump away but the other one came and held me down.

He held the knife to my stomach and carved in smallish letters Purity onto my right hip, that time I let out a blood curdling scream, the man holding me let me go but first kicked me in the stomach with so much force I hit the wall with a crack. I sat up trying to fight them off but stopped to cry out in pain when one stepped on my leg, I noticed my ankle was broken when I heard the snap.

One man came upto me and punched me in the jaw again, I hit the ground, I felt the side of my head, when I pulled back my hand I found it covered in blood.

"That's enough for today, we can carry on tomorrow," Lizze made the two men pick me up.

"Shame, we were about to start the real fun," one man winked at me and my revulsion grew as bile rose in my throat.

"Do it tomorrow, she has to go back, now," they rolled their eyes at her tone but they carried me to my room, opened the door then threw me in. "See you tomorrow Avalon," and with that she slammed the door shut.

"Avalon!" Nadia ran to my side, I sat up to look at her, Vicky was staying back because of the blood. "Are you okay ? What happened ?"

"I'll be fine, I just need to clean up," she held me up as I winced about what I assume was cracked ribs.

"Here," she bit into her wrist and held it to my mouth. "It'll help heal you quicker," I nodded and drank a little before limping to the bathroom to have a shower. When I got out of the bathroom Vicky attacked me into a hug.

"I thought I lost you too," she cried into my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around.

"I'm not the easiest to lose," I let out a humourless laugh and held her tighter. "Shh, it's okay, I'm okay," I lead her over to my bed and she put her head on my shoulder, Nadia put her head on my lap, it was like last night but reversed, I started to hum another song, in hopes they would fall asleep.

"When you fall asleep
With your head upon my shoulder
When you're in my arms
But you've gone somewhere deeper."

I swayed slightly but kept singing.

"Are you going to age with grace?
Are you going to age without mistakes?
Are you going to age with grace
Or only to wake and hide your face?"

I felt the tears come down my face but sang through them.

"When oblivion is calling out your name,
You always take it further than I ever can.

When you play it hard
And I try to follow you there.
It's not about control
But I turn back when I see where you go"

More tears fell as I remembered what Lizze said

"Are you going to age with grace?
Are you going to leave a path to trace?

But oblivion is calling out your name,
You always take it further
Than I ever can

When oh-oblivion
Is calling out your name
You always take it further than I ever can."

I fell asleep letting the darkness take me, but I wouldn't have if I knew what my dreams would be of, of the memories that would come flying back.

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