Chapter 22

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I was dancing with Damien again, he was smiling like nothing bad had happened. He spun me around then talked in my ear.

"Avalon, I'm so sorry we couldn't get you back," I nodded, unable to sing in case I let out a cry. "But you still managed to kill me..."

"No," I turned around and saw red seeping through his shirt. "Not again."

"You killed me Avalon, you did, and I'm just the beginning."

"No!" He jerked and fell to the floor, I glanced back at where he previously was and spotted someone standing there, with his heart in her hand.

"Oh sweetie, don't deny it," I glared at myself, there I stood with his heart, but it wasn't me, it was a mirror image. "We are killers, and you know who's next," the mirror me turned to look at someone standing to our left. And when I saw who was there.

"No," the mirror image ran at Vicky. "NO!"


I shot up panting heavily. No, not Vicky. I checked the bed to make sure she was still here, when I found her I let out a sigh of relief, she was alive, that's all that mattered. I climbed out of bed and made myself a cup of coffee, the clock read seven A.M. I got in the shower before getting changed into work out clothes. There was a knock at our door, I ran over and opened the door while drying my hair with a towel.

"Hello ?" I opened it to find Stefan standing there. "Can I help you ?"

"I was coming to ask if you would like train ?" He scratched the back of his neck, like he felt embarrassed or awkward.

"Sure," Then a plan formed in my head. "Could Vicky and Nadia join us ? I mean they'll have to learn how to defend themselves for later on..."

"Sure," He smiled. "Do you want me to come back in half an hour ? So the others can get ready ?" I nodded and smiled.

"That would be great, thank you," I closed the door then ran and jumped on to the two girls.

"What the hell Av ?" Vicky groaned and pushed me off.

"Get up, get dressed, Stefan has agreed to train you and we are one step closer to leaving so get up now," They both jumped up to get ready and in half an hour we were escorted, by Skye and Pandora, to the training room.

"Wow, nice room," Nadia trailed a hand over the walls in awe.

"Thank you," Stefan stepped into the room. "So happy it reaches your critique."

"Ready to train Carmel ?" I stood on the mat in a fighting position.

"Yeah, so why don't you two watch how we fight and then we and see how you two fight and asses how to improve."

"Sounds good," Nadia answered after getting a nod of approval from me. We took our places.

"Ready, set," I rolled my shoulders and got into position.

"Go," He pounced, I ducked, Left punch, dodge, high kick, scissor kick, pin to the ground.

"I think I win," I had pinned him to the ground.

"Well done," He smirked before I got up and gave him a helping hand. "Okay, Vicky could you please try and fight Avalon ?" She got up and walked over to me.

"Okay, get into the position I did okay ?" She did the position I showed her and got ready. "Go," We fought for a while before I pinned her.

"Well done Vic, you have speed on your side so you'll just need to use that to your advantage," Vicky nodded. "Okay, Nadia, you're next."

"Like I showed you," she nodded and did as told. "Go," she lasted longer then Vicky but she still landed on her ass.

"Okay, Nadia, you got strength, just need to channel it into unexpected hits, you were too predictable."

"How ?" I stepped back to give Stefan some room to show Nadia.

"Well for starters nose and gut are too obvious, go for the throat and kick right here," he pointed at his left half of his chest. "Should shock them hard enough for you to kill them or disable them."

"So why don't we start training them ? Let them fight and correct them when they go wrong," I suggested.

"Sounds good." Stefan and I stood watching the two girls work to the others weaknesses. "They seem to adapt quite quickly."

"Yeah, they are quick learner's," I followed the girls movements. "Nadia defense, Vicky offence."

"You have changed so much since coming here, you are no longer that weak defenceless girl we brought here," he pushed a strand of hair away from my face. "You should be thanking us..."

"No," I grabbed his wrist and flipped it around. "I haven't been that girl in a long time but you didn't do that for me, you just made me not feel it."

"Which is an advantage."

"No, it's a weakness, because if you don't feel it, you'll lose," I turned back and just watched the girls.

"And if you don't feel, you don't have a weakness..."


Hey, sorry for the late update, been a long week with Exams and my friend leaving blah blah blah, Hope you enjoy the Chapter xx



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