Chapter 19

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Archer's POV

Left punch.

Right hook.

Upper cut

Round house kick.

I took a breather from beating my punching bag and ran upstairs to get a bottle of water.

"Hey, hows the bag ?" Raine leaned against the kitchen doorway. She was dressed in a long green dress that matched her eyes, her, Damien, Max and Chloe were all going to some ball tonight.

"Breaking apart," I chugged the rest of my water. "You ready for the Ball Cinderella?" I smirked.

"Of course," she took a deep breath. "Stefan is supposed to be there tonight, and he's bringing a guest, maybe we can find Avalon quicker."

"Yeah," I nodded. It had been a long two months, and no sign if Avalon not even a whisper of her. Raine walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me, I responded by hugging her tightly.

"We will find her you know," she rubbed my back as if to comfort me.

"I know," I let go and stepped back. "Even if we don't find her she'll fight her way back to us."

"Yeah, I don't think she can stay away from us for long," she winked and walked back to the living room where everyone else waited.

"Ready to go ?" Max pulled Raine over to him smiling, Chloe was beaming linked arms with Damien, since Avalon had been gone the two had become inseparable.

"Be careful," Dayton called from her position on the coach with Tyler, they had been playing a game on the XBox for the last few hours.

"Always am," Max waved goodbye and all four were soon gone.

"So, what are we going to do tonight ?" Hunter jumped over the back of the sofa and sat next to the lovey dovey couple, it almost hurt to see the couples so happy when I knew I couldn't be like that with Avalon. "And no Archer, we are not going to pound some vamps tonight as you have been most nights."

"That's not all I do you know," I grabbed a bottle of Bourbon and took a swig before sitting on the floor next to the fire.

"No, when you're home you drink and beat the punching bag till we have to get a new one, and so far this one is the sixth one, this month," Dayton shook her head and laughed. "When was the last time you got a good nights sleep ?"

"I will sleep when Avalon is home safe and sound," I took another sip from my drink. We spent the next hour or so talking, although Avalon never left my mind. Well until Max dropped back in with a sobbing Chloe and a fighting Raine.

"You left them! We could of got her back and you left!" She punched at his chest as Chloe sobbed on the floor. We all jumped up and ran over to them, Tyler pulled Chloe to him and tried to calm her while Dayton pulled Raine back. "Go back ! go back and get her!"

"What happened ?" I had set into panic mode now, who the hell was Raine on about and where was Damien ?

"Yes Max, tell them what happened," Raine let out a bitter laugh. "He'll kill you."

"What happened Max ?" I glared at him.

"We found Avalon," My heart stopped. They found her ? Then where was she ? "Some vampire killed Damien and when I tried to get Avalon to go with us she refused."

"THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE CHUCKED HER OVER YOUR SHOULDER AND TAKEN HER!!! WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE HER THERE WITH HIM OF ALL PEOPLE ?!" I growled, I knew I looked scary but I didn't care, he just left Avalon there!

"I didn't have a choice," Max glared. "Now go grab some stakes so we can get back and save her from fighting the leeches on her own."

"You better pray she's alive," I sneered before grabbing a handful of stakes and throwing them to Hunter. "Tyler, stay here with Raine and Chloe, Dayton, Hunter, Max and I are going to get Avalon."

"Get my best friend back," I nodded to Tyler before Max took us all back to the ball, and boy was it a sight. It seemed as if all the leeches were fighting the three girls in the middle, I didn't wait for the others I just started staking. When one jumped on my back I grabbed his head and ripped it clean off. I kicked a leech over to Dayton where she staked him.

"STOP!" Everyone stopped immediately at the sound of his voice, Stefan stood near the middle with a girl with scars all over her shoulders and back, from the looks of it there were more under the dress. "No one is to touch the body, anyone who disrespects my wishes will be dealt with severely."

"Yes sir," the vampires stepped away from two girls who had been guarding the body, Dayton, Hunter, Max and I moved to the body, but they girls stayed.

"You may take your friend's body and leave us," he spun the girl around but kept an arm around her waist, she kept her head down so we couldn't see her face. "Skye and Pandora let them take him."

"Thank you, you're so kind," I sneered at him, Hunter and Max lifted the body.

"You should be glad I let you take the body at all, I should of let my boys take care of it," Stefan growled.

The girl turned her head slightly to glare at Stefan, he kept eye contact with her as he spoke, by the looks of it he was captivated by her.

"Take your friend, I'm afraid to say the ball is over," The girl turned away from him to look at us, and I finally saw her face. No... It was Avalon, she held a few tears in her eyes as they met mine.

"Till we meet again," I barely registered the words let alone the small smile before Stefan used his speed to get them into the limo with the two girls in tow, I ran to the door to see her looking out the window at me and my heart broke all over again. "I'm sorry," and with those words the limo took off.

"We need to go," Max appeared next to me and grabbed my arm. When we got back to the house I dropped to the floor. "Arch..."

"Where is she ?" Tyler looked around me. "Where is my best friend Archer ?!"

"She left with him ! Happy ?" I glared at him and got up, made my way to where we put the alcohol and quickly drank a whole bottle of Vodka in one. Thank god for Hell-hound metabolism.

"Archer, you need to calm down," Hunter walked over to me but I pushed him away.

"No! We had her, she was right in front of us, but left with him, voluntarily, how can I not be angry ?" I threw the bottle.

"She had her reasons, she always does, maybe-" I cut him off.

"You're her boyfriend! How can you honestly not be angry at this ? Do you not care for her ? Was she just a phase ?!" I knew I was being harsh but I was to angry and drunk to care.

"Of course I care! Avalon means the world to me! Yes I am angry. Yes I want to go after her and get her back but I trust her to do what she needs to," He glared at me with bright glowing eyes before something clicked in his head and his eyes softened. "Boyfriend ?"

"Yes, you are her boyfriend, remember ?" I glared, how could he forget  he was dating someone as special as her ? He should consider himself lucky he didn't fuck up and ruin it like I did.

"She never told you did she ?" Hunter wasn't making sense.

"Told me what ?"

"We broke up," What ? "The night she was taken, I told her I knew she loved you, I told her I was letting her go so she could be happy, she was supposed to tell you that night..." I leaned against the wall and sunk to the floor. "I'm sorry Archer. We will get her back, I promise you."

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