Chapter 6

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"I'm so excited, I haven't left this room in sixty years!" Nadia was bouncing around the room like a bouncy ball, she had dressed up in ripped skinny jeans and a blue baggy t-shirt.

"Never ?" Vicky was also smiling, she had put on some leggings and a fluffy cream jumper.

"Nope, they just kept me down here, I can't believe I'm leaving," Nadia squealed. 

"They'll be taking us to the library, there may be a side room but I'm not certain, the only thing I'm certain of it's better then this." I opted for Yoga pants and a tank top, I had thrown a baggy jumper over it.

"Do you think Stefan will be there too ?" Vicky asked as she ate a potato chip from my bag.

"Probably, but he won't touch either of while I'm there, they learnt that lesson before," I gave Vicky the chip bag before walking over to the dresser and picking up the brush to brush my hair.

"Avalon, I know what you said happened before but I have a hard time believing you could hurt a fly," Vicky gave me a soft look, the one kids got when their parents thought they were making something up. "You can't help but cringe when you hear swearing, never mind hurt someone, hell I doubt you could kill, It just isn't you," I stared at her for a while before answering.

"It's me alright, you just haven't met that side of me yet," before she could make a response one of Stefan's men came to escort us to the library. He pulled me roughly by the arm out of the room and pushed me forward, I walked with my head held high in front of him, he didn't seem to take much notice of Nadia and Vicky, then again out of the three of us I was most likely to put up a fight and try to run. When we reached the library I was shoved to the floor, I pushed myself and stood straight.

"So nice of you three to make it," Stefan sat on the piano stool, he spun around to see us then got up to formally greet us. "Vicky and Nadia there is many books for you to choose from, there is a pool, hockey and other such games tables over there," He pointed at a corner of the room I had not noticed yesterday that had a large arch leading to a games room. "Avalon, you my dear are coming with me." The girls looked hesitant to leave, but I could see the look of excitement in Nadia's eyes, she hadn't been out of the room in sixty years, she didn't need to be worrying about me, and Vicky shouldn't of even been here!

"It's okay, I'll be fine, I promise," They reluctantly left me with Stefan.

"They seem to listen to you, like a solider to their leader, tell me, how do you inspire such loyalty ?" Stefan asked, looking after the two girls in wonder.

"I''ve earned their respect, you have only ever instilled fear in them," with that said I turned and sat at the piano. "Now why don't you tell me why you wanted me ?" He stayed quiet for a little while before sitting next to me.

"Yesterday you seemed at ease playing music, and you had an angelic voice, I was hoping you could play for me again..."

"What do you wish me to play ?"

"You'll play ? No questions asked ?" I nodded. "Why ?"

"You have already shown you are not above beating me to get your way, and those soldiers as you call them have already suffered watching as I return beaten and bruised, they don't need to witness that act."

"Well, how about one of my favourites ? Ever heard of 'How You Remind Me' by Nickelback ?"

"Yes," I started to play the keys.

"Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing
Tired of living like a blind man
I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling,"

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