Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sound of Nadia and Vicky talking, I focused on making my breathing levelled so they didn't know I was awake.

"I hate seeing her like this," It was Vicky. "She looks so fragile, with so many bruises.. When she came in last night I thought she'd drop from exhaustion. and I don't even want to know what they did to her..."

"She'll be okay," from the sounds I guessed Nadia had put down her mug. "Look, by the sounds of it she's already been involved in this for a long time, and she hasn't broken yet, she will be fine."

"And what happens when she breaks ?" I took this as my time to intervene, I rolled over so I was facing them and sat up.

"Not happening, as long as we are here I refuse to break," I grabbed a mug and poured myself some coffee.

"Good to hear it," we all spun around to see Stefan leaning against the door frame, I put down my coffee, grabbed a stool and broke it so I had some sort of weapon, even if it was a broken stool leg.

"Stay away from me," I all but growled at him.

"I just wanted to talk, why don't we take a walk ?" He extended his hand towards me.

"I assume by talk you mean beat her like your friends have ?" Vicky glared at Stefan yet she still stayed behind me.

"What are you talking about ?" Genuine confusion passed his face, then it clicked.Whatever, take her back to her cell before Stefan comes looking... Lizze had said it yesterday.

"She never told you, did she ?" I lowered the my weapon a little but not completely. "She never told you what she had her goons do to me did she ?"

"I have no idea what are talking about, why don't you walk with me and discuss it ?" I passed the stole leg to Nadia who nodded to me in agreement.

"Fine," He smiled. "On one condition, Vicky and Nadia are not to be harmed or touched in anyway, if they are I will killed whoever touched them before staking you right through your heart," he gulped.

"We have a deal," I smiled and looked to Nadia.

"If anyone touches you, kill them," She smirked so I walked over to the door. I passed Stefan, ignoring his hand, he followed me out then slammed the door shut.

"Follow me," I complied as we walked down the hallway, we made a lot of twists, turns, up some stairs and through the door into a huge library.

"Wow," I looked up astounded at all the books, there was a big coffee table around the corner with sofa's seated around it, there was also a piano in the opposite corner of the room, next to it was a guitar, I smiled as I ran my fingers over the strings.

"Do you play ?" Stefan's voice brought me out the spell I was in, I spun around with a scowl on my face.

"No, the piano yes," my voice sounded cold even to myself.

"Are you any good ?" He stepped closer.

"Extremely good."

"Care to play ?" He gestured to the piano.

"Not for you," I glared.

"I'm trying to be nice here Avalon," he sighed.

"You want to be nice ? Let me, Vicky and Nadia go," I held his eyes captive, challenging him to back down.

"You know I can't do that," I took a step closer, letting waves of anger roll from me.

"No, you won't do that, because you are a egotistical, power-mad, control freak who can't stand the idea of not getting what he want," I let out a bitter laugh. "You're like a little child, don't get what you want and throw a tantrum, you are pathe-"

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