Chapter 28

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Hunter's POV

"Where's Archer ?"  I walked into the living room to see Max and Dayton looking over a map while Tyler, Chloe and Raine sat at the table sharpening stakes.

"Probably still out searching for vampires, looking for Avalon," Dayton crossed out a section of the map.

"What are you doing ?" I looked over at the map, most sections had a black X through them.

"The area's where there are X's are the area's we've searched, so far no Avalon," Max pointed at a no X section. "We've searched mostly warehouses maybe we should search abandoned houses, he's keeping her out of sight, and there's two of them, so it has to be somewhere big enough for the amount of people Stefan usually keeps with him."

"So what ? we just start searching abandoned buildings and foreclosures in hope we find the right squatters ?" Dayton sighed at my outburst.

"Hunt, we are trying our best, but that leech is clever, our best bet is searching anywhere we can.." she was right, I just wasn't sure how long we could keep looking before it was too late.

"Look on the bright side," We all turned to Chloe. "Her birthday is in two months, so we have two months left to find her."

"And don't forget, Avalon won't go down without a fight," Raine added with a small smile.

"I'm making coffee, anyone want one ?" Dayton got up.

"Me thanks," I sat down with Max and checked out the map.

"I'll help you," Tyler got up and went with her.

"I just hope we find her before it's too late and we never get Avalon back," I sighed.

"We'll get her back," Max gave my back a pat. While we sat their talking tactics I caught a scent, I took a deep a breath through my nose and growled.

"Vampire," I sprinted out the door and tackled the leech as she ran onto our back yard, I pinned her down by her throat and stared into her bright blue eyes. "What business do you have here leech ?" I growled in her face. Her eyes widened in fear as she searched for an exit.

"I-I just wanted to use your phone, we needed help," everyone else walked outside and she started counting the people and something that looked like recognition clicked in her eyes. "Hunter, your Hunter Black aren't you ?"

"How do you know who I am ?" I held her throat tighter.

"S-She talked of you, and Tyler, Max, Raine, Dayton and Chloe," she coughed. "And of Archer, she needs you."

"Who needs us ?" I held onto her throat tighter again.

"GET OFF OF HER!" I was thrown off of her into a wall. I looked up and glared to see Vicky. Wait Vicky ? "Nadia, you okay ?"

"Yeah, just a little bruised," Nadia sat up behind Vicky as Vicky took a protective stance in front of her.

"Vicky ? Is that you ?" Chloe walked closer but Tyler pulled her back.

"Yeah, it's me," Vicky avoided eye contact.

"What are you doing here ?" Dayton and I shared a look as Chloe tried to get closer.

"We need help, we escaped but some found us, Avalon was fighting them off while we ran for help," Wait did she just say...?

"Avalon ? She's with you ?" Max's eyes widened and Chloe and Raine ran into the house and grabbed the stakes and put on some shoes.

"She made us run, we need to help her before Stefan drags her back," The girls joined us and we all stood ready to follow.

"Lead the way," Vicky and Nadia set off in a run with all of us in pursuit, Chloe, Raine and Tyler were helped by the three of us and I pulled out my phone and dialed Archer, it went straight to voice-mail. "Hey Arch, it's me, we found Avalon, she's two minuets run from our back yard, hurry."

"Come on!" Nadia was in front with us behind, as we got closer we could hear the fight, and as soon as we got to the clearing I froze, everyone else ran and started to fight the leeches while I spotted Avalon killing a leech and smiling, she looked up and saw me.

"So nice of you to join us," She spun around and stabbed a leech in the stomach with her bow before spinning and kicking him over to me where the body skidded to a halt in front of me. "Make yourself useful, you're needed."

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