Chapter 9

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"You need to put more power behind your kicks," Stefan had a hold of my leg, so I was hopping around. "Try again except this time don't think about the flexibility, think of the kick," He let go and let me get into position.

"Okay," I took a few breaths before kicking again, and again he grabbed my leg although this time he pinned me to floor with my leg hooked around his waist. "Damn it!"

"You are too focused on trying to not get it wrong you aren't trying hard enough to actually hurt me, now try again," He got up and held out a hand to me, I pushed it away and got myself up.

"Fine," I took a few breaths then looked him in the eye, hell he even had the nerve to look amused. I kicked up at his shoulder, he caught it again.

"Wrong," he smiled.

"Not at all," I pushed myself up and kicked him in the face with my other foot, he let go and I landed in a crouch on the floor, I kicked out at the back of his legs so he landed on his back.

"Okay, you're getting better." he sat up and looked over at me. "Again," I got up and we started to spar again. "Work more on trying to knock me out then keeping me away."

"Isn't that the same thing ?" Punch, duck then punch.

"No, if you're trying to keep me away you aren't throwing powerful enough hits, if you're aiming to knock out you use most of your strength, So punch me, like you want to kill me."

"You sure you want me to do that ?" I rolled my shoulders getting ready to sparr, except this time, I wouldn't hold back.

"Give me your best shot," He smirked.

"You asked for it," I punch up at his head with my left, he ducked and hit me in the stomach, I used my elbow and hit his arm in the process, I stepped back to make his chase me, when he did I ran to a wall, I ran up the wall and flipped over him then kicked his back, he scissor kicked my legs but I jumped and stood away. "Don't go easy on me, I thought you were better then that Carmel," I smirked as he got visibly angrier.

"You're on," he charged at me, as soon as he was close enough I jumped, landed on his back and did a flip off him.

"When you get angry you get sloppy," I taunted, using something he had told me earlier today.

"Don't use my own words against me!" He growled playfully, he jumped up and charged again, this time he managed to grab me and tackle me to the floor then pinned me there. "Not so tough now are you ?"

"Actually," I brought my legs up, wrapped my legs around his neck and flipped him over me, unfortuantly he had a good hold on me so I went with his, although thankfully I was on top. "I think I am pretty tough."

"Fine, get up, work on your punches," We got up, he put his hands out infront of him, I punched his right hand and he closed his hand around mine and threw me over his shoulder, I kicked as I was flipped and ended up both of us layinging side by side on the floor on our backs. 

"Where do you get your anger ? Judging by the strength of your hits, so tell me, what is behind all that pent up anger ?" Stefan sat up looking over at me.

"Too long a story," I got up, there was a punching dummy towards the back left corner of the room. I walked over to it and practiced my punching.

"We have time," Stefan appeared behind the dummy, holding him there. "Come on, tell me, what's going on in that head of yours Love."

"Where do I start ?" I punched the dummy in the stomach. "First off I find out I'm adopted," Another punch. "Then in the same night I kill my best friend in a car accident and haven't been able to drive since," Another punch to the stomach and head. "A few months later I meet a guy who I love and he makes me forget him," Punch then kick. "Then another few months and some idiot decided to try and kidnap me," Kick, punch then kick. "I then am forced to kill two people because they attacked my friend," Kick then punch, I noticed that punch left a dent. "After that I then saw the guy I love sleep with Lizze," Punch, Punch, kick and punch. "I then watched as some psychopath murdered my best friend and turned another," I punched again and another dent formed, deeper this time and Stefan's eyes widened. "I am then beaten by men ordered by my former best friend and raped!" I punched and kicked, this time though the head flew clean off and hit a near by wall.

"Wow," Stefan took a few steps back.

"You want to know why I have all this repressed anger ? Because no matter what I do it's always me who causes everything bad to happen, I destroy everything I touch and leave no survivors in the rubble," I kicked the dummy in the stomach and it flew backwards.

"I'm sorry," I ignored him and carried on ranting

"Why don't you just kill me ? It would be the kindest thing to have happens to me here," I shouted at Stefan as he studied me.

"Why would I kill you ? Aren't you scared to die ?"

"I'm only afraid of what you would do if I lived, your delirious if you think I'll willingly give you my blood."

"So why haven't you killed yourself then ? If you're so dead set on dying why haven't you done it ?"

"Because I could never leave Vicky or Nadia here without me ," Stefan studied me for a few seconds before going to the door then looked back.

"She always said you would be like this, for once she's right." Then he left.

Who the hell was she ?

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