Chapter 11

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Archer's POV

"Try again," I was pacing at the back on the living room, Raine had been trying to do a location spell ever since Avalon and Vicky went missing.

"Archer she has been trying solid for a month, you know as well as I do if it didn't work by now it wouldn't work now," Max glared at me.

 "A solid month, with Avalon and Vicky stuck god knows where, getting god knows what happening to them!"

"Don't make me think about that," Chloe turned away, wiping her tears, Damien pulled her in for a hug to comfort her.

"Archer," Dayton put a hand on my shoulder. "We all want them back, shouting at everyone isn't helping," she gave my shoulder a squeeze before Tyler pulled her back to hold her by the waist.

"Arch, why don't you go out for a run ? Let all the stress out," Hunter looked almost as tired as I was.

"We promise to call you if anything new pops up," Tyler looked even worse.

"Okay," I ran a hand through my hair for the millionth time today. Since they left everyone had changed. Chloe had Damien around, letting her lean on him and vise versa, hell he had even been teaching her how to fight. Raine had been constantly using any and every spell she could possibly think of to try and find them, with no luck, Max hadn't left her side since, helping her in any way possible. Dayton and Tyler were next to inseparable, when she broke he held her and when he couldn't sleep she'd stay with him till he did. Hunter and I were on constant edge, Tyler was almost as bad as us but he had Dayton, Hunter was usually trying to keep everyone calm, Me ? I was running around, beating any vampire we came across into a bloody pulp.

I got up and ran outside, when I was alone I changed into my jet black wolf and ran as fast as I could, I ignored the pain in my muscles and kept running until I could no longer run, I collapsed near a river and shifted back. I sat against a tree and pulled out a picture from my shirt pocket.

It was a picture Raine had tried to use for the location spell, something Avalon had a strong connection to, turns out Avalon had put all our pictures, her diary and my key in. I had kept one of the photo's, it was one I had taken on her phone one night, it was of Avalon laughing as I kissed her cheeks, the happy sight had brought a tear to my eye. Why did I walk away from her ?

I fell asleep soon after, clutching the photo to my chest and the tears staining my cheeks.


I was asleep in my bed, in my apartment with Avalon laying besides me, I smiled and closed my eyes before falling back asleep. I was woken up by Avalon shooting up breathing heavily, I wrapped my arms around her, rocking us back and forth.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," I kissed her forehead shushing her.

"It was a dream, only a dream,"  she calmed myself and looked around.

"It was just a bad dream, go back to sleep," I pulled me back down so we were laying next to each other, looking at each other.

"I don't want to wake up," it broke my heart to see the tears fall, I wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I don't want to wake up because as soon as I do my nightmares become reality," she sounded so broken it physically hurt to see her like this.

"Come 'ere," I pulled her closer so my head was on top of hers as she cried. "I promise you, we'll find you, if it's the last thing I do I promise to find you and bring you home," I put my hands on either side of her face and made her look up at me then placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I promise you, because I love you," I tried to blink away the tears in my eyes.

"I love you too,"  when the tears left my eyes she lifted her hand and wiped them away, she sat up and kissed passionately.

"I miss you so much," I mumbled into the kiss as she laughed.

"I miss you too," my shirt was gone soon as was hers, I almost missed her scars but I was too caught up in the moment to pay full attention.

"I promise I'm going to find you," I laid her down on the bed.

"Don't," I stopped and looked her in the eye, did she honestly believe I would stop looking for her ? "I'm getting out of here and I'm coming straight back to you Huntsman."

"I'll be waiting Snow White," I smirked and leaned in to kiss her again. I didn't doubt for a second that she wouldn't try to get out, but I hoped like hell she would do it.


After I had woken up it was light outside, I put the photo back in my pocket and walked back to the house. By the time I got back everyone was up having breakfast, that was the way things had been lately, every morning we would be here, actually they stayed over most nights. I walked in with a small smile on my face.

"You look better," Raine offered me a mug of coffee.

"Thanks, I feel alot better," I drained half the mug.

"Okay, today I can try again for a location spell, maybe if we can get enough stuff of Vicky's we can find them," Raine sat down on Max's lap.

"Don't," everyone froze. "Everyone has been working their hardest for a month straight, look at all of you, you're exhausted," I gave everyone a stern look, they all refused to look me in the eye.

"Archer we have to-" I cut off Dayton.

"No, we are no good if we are too tired to actually provide any help, I say we have a day to rest, start up again tomorrow, this constant working is doing no one any good, we just need a break for a day." No one spoke, there was complete silence until Chloe spoke up.

"What made you change your mind ? You, out of all of us, were the most hell-bent on finding them."

"It became clear to me in a dream," I smirked. "Go on, enjoy the break," I drank the rest of my coffee before leaving the room. I needed a break, I'd be no use to Avalon if I couldn't move due to exhaustion, I just needed time to get the energy back.

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