Chapter 30

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Archer's POV

"I will ask you again," I grabbed the leech by the throat and pressed him against a tree, I'd been beating him for an hour straight now and he still hadn't given me any answers, only 'I don't know.' "Where is the Pure Blood ?"

"I told you before I-" he stopped, as if listening to something far away, I tuned in as well and heard slight grunting and what sounded as fighting. The leech smiled at me. "Sounds like the Mistress found her."

"What are you talking about ?" I slammed him against the tree again as he laughed.

"The Mistress is not a woman you want to piss off, and now she's found the Pure Blood," And then it clicked, the fighting was Avalon. "You might want to hurry before the Mistress takes her heart."

"No..." I dropped him, shifted and followed the sound of fighting.

"Run, run as fast as you can, you can't stop her no one can!" The old leech laughed as I ran. When I arrived I jumped on a leech and ripped his head clean off, I shifted and spotted Hunter with a leech ready to jump on his back, I ran over and ripped out the leech's heart.

"Thanks," Hunter smiled at me.

"What's going on Brother ?" Hunter passed me a stake.

"Little Loni staged a breakout," I smirked at his choice of words. "Stefan didn't like being told no, so sent all these guys," I nodded in understanding and went off to kill some leeches, from the corner of my eye I saw Chloe get tackled by a dark haired leech, I ran over and threw the girl off, I pinned her and raised the stake.

"Archer no," I ignored Chloe and lowered the stake, but before it hit her chest a hand stopped mine and pushed me off her.

"What the hell ?" I glared as Hunter helped the leech up and stood in front of her in a protective stance.

"Don't touch her," Hunter growled.

"She's one of them," I spat at her, she flashed her fangs, I went to go for her but Chloe grabbed my arm.

"Arch she's one of us, she's a good guy."

"Archer don't hurt her," Vicky stood next to Hunter and Nadia and I noticed Vicky's fangs. "Nadia is one of us, that's final," I looked Nadia, she looked ready to fight, but I had to let it drop.

"Fine, don't die," I ran off to fight the rest of the leeches with everyone else.

Avalon's POV.

I shook my head refusing to believe that this girl was Casey. Casey was my best friend and couldn't hurt a fly, not this cold, soulless monster in front of me.

"You can't be, I watched you die," I fought against the two men but one kneed me in the back and I had to stop.

"You remember I was dating someone before the crash ? An older guy ?" I remember she'd always tell me they were going out but I never saw the guy, she kept him a secret... When I looked up at Stefan It clicked in my head.

"You were dating Stefan," I locked eyes with him, he kept his eyes emotionless. "You turned my best friend into a monster!"

"No," I tried to turn and glare at Lizze but Casey still had my . "She's not the monster, you are, little miss innocent isn't so pure anymore, are you ?"

"I never was," Casey aggressively let go of my cheek and walked over to Mom.

"Mrs Greene, it's been so long since I saw you last," Mom glared at her. "What ? No loving hug for a long lost friend who was believed to be dead ?"

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