Chapter 10

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"I miss this," I was curled up next to Archer, we were sitting on the couch in his apartment, Archer was playing with my hair while I played with our entwined hands.

"Me too," he kissed the top of my head. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

"I know, I miss being able to sit like this whenever we wanted," I sighed and leaned into his chest. "I miss you."

"I miss you too," he spun us around so I was under him on the couch. "I have idea of what we can do," he leaned down towards me.

"Oh really ?" I sat up to meet him halfway, I smiled when our lips met and brought my hands up to his neck, my shirt was gone within minuets and as soon as I pulled at the hem of his t-shirt, he sat up, took it off and threw it across the room, when he looked down at me his eyes were glowing bright amber and his teeth had sharpened.

"Aren't you scared of the big bad wolf ?" I gulped as he growled, those were the words he spoke to me when we first met.

"No," I looked him in the eye, but It wasn't him, this was a dream, he couldn't hurt me in a dream could he ?

"You should be afraid of me, very afraid." his voice had changed, it wasn't his own. He leaned down and bit hard on my neck as I screamed. I managed to throw him off me and ran over to the kitchen, when I looked over at him It wasn't him.

"Stefan..."he smiled at me, but It was a creepy smile, one I didn't like at all. Two arms came around my waist, as they whispered in my ear, their breath tickling the back of my neck.

"Avalon I won't let him touch you ever again, I promise you," It was Hunter, those were the same words he told me after Stefan showed up at the school as a teacher. But you broke that promise.

"You can't keep them both you know," The room changed to a pure white room, Casey stood in the middle smiling at me. "You are going to be the end of one of them, maybe both."

"What are you talking about ?"

"Archer loves you so much, he would die just to make you happy, and Hunter... He is willing to give you up just to see you smile, it's pathetic really, so obsessed over some Pure Blood but you aren't pure anymore are you ?" She circled me as she said this. "The once Innocent, pure little girl has lost her innocence and purity to Ben, why would they even want you now ?"

"Shut up," I lunged for her but she disappeared.

"You think Archer or Hunter will a broken, filthy whore ?" She laughed. "No one will care, you've been gone what ? A month ? No one has come to your rescue, no one has even tried to save you, that little witch Raine could of done a location spell but no, they still haven't come for you."

"I don't want them to," I glared at her from my place on the floor.

"What you really mean is you don't want them to see what you've become," Casey swayed towards me. "You don't want them to see the pathetic, worthless person you have become," with every word she said she took a step closer until she was in front of me, she crouched down to eye level. "I pity you, I truly do."

"Don't," I stared right in the eye. "Because at least I'm still alive."


I shot up breathing heavily, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me, rocking us back and forth.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," Archer kissed my forehead shushing me.

"It was a dream, only a dream," I calmed myself and looked around, we were in his apartment.

"It was just a bad dream, go back to sleep," he pulled me back down so we were laying next to each other, looking at each other.

"I don't want to wake up," I let the tears fall, he wiped the tears from my cheeks. "I don't want to wake up because as soon as I do my nightmares become reality."

"Come 'ere," Archer pulled me closer so his head was ontop of mine as I cried into his chest. "I promise you, we'll find you, if it's the last thing I do I promise to find you and bring you home," he made me look up at him and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I promise you, because I love you," he had tears in his eyes.

"I love you too,"  when the tears left his  eyes I wiped them away, I sat up and kissed him harder.

"I miss you so much," he mumbled into the kiss as I laughed.

"I miss you too," His shirt was gone soon as was mine.

"I promise I'm going to find you," he layed me down on the bed.

"Don't," he stopped and looked me in the eye. "I'm getting out of here and I'm coming straight back to you Huntsman."

"I'll be waiting Snow White," He smirked and leaned in to kiss me again.


I opened my eyes, smiling like an idiot, the last part of my dream... it felt so real, I wished it was...
I got up and made myself coffee. I played with the necklace around my neck, Archer's words playing over and over in my mind. "I'll be waiting Snow White."  I wasn't lying when I said I was going to get out, because I was, I was going to get out of here, I was going to get Vicky out of here and I was going to get Nadia out of here. I was done with sitting back, we are getting out, and I am going to get back to everyone.

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