Chapter 1

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Vicky and I were thrown in a room with the door slammed behind us, I checked to see if Vicky had woke up, but she remained asleep so I looked up to see a brunette girl glaring, she had the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen.

"Who the hell are you ?" I studied her for a minute, she wasn't angry, she was scared but trying to but on a brave front.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I stood up and tried, unsuccessfully to carry Vicky to the closest bed. After a while of struggling the girl helped me carry her. "Thank you." 

"Don't mention it," we lifted Vicky onto the bed and I pulled the comforter over her before pushing the hair out of her face. "She turning ?"

"Yeah, she's been out for a few hours," I stayed sat at her side on the bed.

"Do you want to change ? They told me I'd be having a cell mate or two and brought some clothes in, no need to be rude but your kinda covered in blood and I'm slightly hungry," Blue eyes was still watching me warily, I nodded, she showed me which wardrobe and drawers were mine and Vicky's, I grabbed a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top, she pointed out a bathroom so I went, washed off Lincoln's blood off my arms, face and legs. I changed clothes and put my hair into a sloppy bun, all my makeup had come off while I was crying so I looked a little wreaked.

I came back out to find blue eyes watching me, I had left the dress and other things in the bathroom, but I kept on Archer's necklace and my vervain bracelet. I walked over to Vicky before kneeling next to her and cleaning the blood that had been smeared on her from me with a wash cloth.

"I know you're dying to ask questions, just ask them already," I put the cloth back in the bathroom before sitting on Vicky's bed and holding her hand.

"Who are you ? I mean I've over heard the guards talking about some Pure Blood girl who Stefan was intrigued with but I doubt if he wanted her she'd be down here with me, I'm the girl who everyone hates and is only here because Stefan won't kill his own kind."

"Well I guess your wrong about somethings, because I'm Pure Blooded and he murdered my friend and turned my friend Vicky here, he threw me down here because he knows all I'll do around everyone else is most likely stake them," I kept my eyes trained on Vicky.

"You're Pure Blood ?" Her blue eyes bulged out. "And they left you around a newbie ? Do they want you to die ?"

"I refused to leave her, they were going to throw me in the room next door but agreed with me after I kicked up a fight."

"Do you have a death wish ?"

"I'd rather die then let that monster drink my blood and become invincible," I squeezed Vicky's hand. "There's already too much evil to give them the power to cause chaos for an eternity," We stayed silent for a while before blue eyes spoke up again.

"I'm Nadia by the way," She seemed to soften up to us by now, she was sitting on the bed next to Vicky's. I had a chance to look around the room, it looked like a collage dorm, three bed spread around the room with two wardrobes and two sets of drawers, there were no windows, a TV opposite a bed towards the back of the room, there was a vanity desk with a mirror, a fridge in the corner and a counter with a sink, microwave and oven. It was like a apartment in here, as much of a cell this place was it still looked good.

"I'm Avalon," I smiled at her. Vicky groaned, Nadia jumped up to the fridge, I presume to get a blood bag, I watched as Vicky sat up rubbing her neck.

"Ouch," she stopped rubbing her neck and jumped up. "Lincoln, Avalon, who was that guy ? Why did he want us ? what happened to Lizze ? Where are we ? What in hell's name happened ?" The questions came tumbling out of her mouth, I waited until she stopped before I spoke.

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