Chapter 7

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I was running down a long corridor, the voices following me as I ran.

"This is through no fault of your own,"  Stefan's face smiled down at me from above where everyone else stood.

"you deserve everything you get," Lizze hissed.

"you're all alone, and no one cares," Casey snarled.

"You killed me, you killed Lincoln, you had Vicky turned into a monster," Casey got closer so I turned and ran down an different hallway only to be greeted by Archer.

"WE KEEP HAVING TO SAVE YOUR PATHETIC ASS" I turned to get away only to find him behind me.

"WE SHOULD OF LEFT YOU FOR DEAD THE FIRST TIME WE CAME ACROSS YOU!" I went to push him away but fell through and landed on a hard concrete floor.

"YOU MURDERED MY BEST FRIEND!" Lizze came back and kicked me into the wall, when I hit the floor I looked up to see Casey smiling down at me.

"And now your going to cause the world hell." She grew fangs and came at me.



I shot up panting heavily, I was in darkness, although as soon as my eyes adjusted I saw I was in my bed, with a breath of relief I looked over to make sure Nadia and Vicky were still asleep. I got up and walked over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"You have nightmares often ?" I jumped at the sound of Stefan's voice, I hadn't noticed the door opening or him coming into our room.

"Not really, I used to have them for a while once every few month, but since coming here that seems to be the only thing I get," He stayed quiet from then, although he seemed to only be studying me.

"You have impressive fighting technique, although they are lacking skills needed to become great."

"Excuse me ?" He was holding me prisoner and he decided to judge my fighting skills ?!

"Have you ever actually trained to fight ? Any self defence ?" I shook my head.

"I took gymnastics until the age of eleven but nothing more, I have a good right hook and a good kick, add in my reflexes and I can kill a vampire, isn't that enough ?"

"Come," He held out his hand to me, I hesitated slightly, did I really want to leave Nadia and Vicky while I went with him, for all I know he could beat me as badly as Ben did, or even worse, do as Ben did. "They won't be harmed," He must of noticed my worried look. "I have two of my most trusted guards Pandora and Skye watching over the door, no harm will come to them."

"And what happens to me if I go with you ?"

"I will teach you to fight."

"You're doing it wrong," Stefan tutted for the millionth time, he nudged my foot over to the left a little more and pushed my arms up higher before turning my core. "Try again." I punched the punching bag. "You're still doing it wrong."

"Well how about you be the punching bag and show me where I'm going wrong ?!" We had been at this for an hour so far and all I had been told was that I was doing it wrong, to say I was a little frustrated would be an understatement.

"Fine," He kicked off his shoes and took off his shirt and stood in a fighting stance. "Show me what you got," We circled each other until Stefan stepped forward to punch me, I ducked and kicked him in the stomach which sent him to the floor. He grabbed my ankle and brought me down next to him, I brought my legs up and kicked him square in the chest so he flipped over me, I rolled over and stayed there, holding myself up. I pushed myself to get into a stand position and was thrown down again to be pinned by Stefan. "Now you're dead." A knock came to the door, stopping whatever I was about to reply.

"Stefan, you are requested in-" Lizze stopped dead in her tracks to stare at us, to be fair we must've looked a mess. Stefan in only dark track suit bottoms, straddling me, while I was pinned in only a black racer girl tank top and yoga pants. "You are requested in the study, Jenkins wishes to see you."

"Well tell him I'm busy," He loosened this grip and I used that to my advantage, I ripped my arms away from where Stefan held them hostage, I punched him in the stomach and rolled us over so I was ontop and had him pinned, I punch where his heart was lightly.

"You're dead," I smirked and got up.

"Guess I don't have to teach you how to use distractions to your advantage," he pushed himself up and turned to Lizze. "Tell Jenkins I will talk to him later, I have a different issue that is my priority at the moment."

"Whatever  you say," Lizze bowed her head and walked out.

"What do you want to work on ?" I surprised Stefan with my question yet he recovered quickly.

"Punches, you have a lot of pent up anger, you need to access it, once that's done you can get a better handle on your attacks, now punch," Stefan held up his hands, I thought of Lincoln's death, of Casey's death, of Vicky's turn. I punch his right hand then the left, I used a speed that I didn't even know I possessed. "Upper cut," He changed the position of his hands as I tried a new angled hit. I punched again, then ducked as he swiped at me, I jumped up behind him and punched his back, he fell forward but scissor kicked my legs so I landed down next to him.

"Damn it!" I slapped the floor. "I was just getting good."

"Better luck next time," He helped me up and escorted me back to my room, when I got in I had a shower and changed into baggy tracksuit bottoms and a fluffy jumper.

"What are you doing up ?" Nadia sat on the stool opposite.

"Couldn't sleep properly," I passed her a plate of toast with nutella. "Stefan appeared out of no where and offered to teach me to fight," Nadia almost choked on her bread.

"And you took the offer ?!"

"Of course," her eyes bulged out more if that was possible.

"Why would you take the offer ?" I smirked.

"Because," I passed her the now warmed up blood. "once he's taught me to fight better, we can get out this hell hole."

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