Chapter 8

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Vicky woke up shortly after, so at the moment we were sitting at the kitchen breakfast bar eating.

"So, what shall we do today ? I mean it's our one month anniversary," Vicky was taking a sip of her blood.

"One month ?" I hadn't realised we'd been here that long. Were the boys still looking for us ? Did they still care ? Of course they care, did they think we were dead ?

"Yeah, I know, it feels longer, to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if everyone moved on by now," Vicky smiled sadly.

"They won't, Tyler is one of your best friends, and so is Chloe, they won't stop looking for you," I put my arm around her shoulder.

"And Archer and Hunter won't stop looking for you, because by the sounds of it, both of them are totally and utterly in love with you, they wouldn't leave you here," Vicky got up and put our plates in the sink.

"Yeah, you guys have someone who loves you enough to come rescue you, don't lose faith in them," Nadia smiled but it never quite made her eyes. "You guys will be free and live your lives."

"We aren't leaving without you, no matter what," My tone made no room for disagreement. "Besides, we don't need them to come save us, we can get ourselves out of this."

"And how do you suppose we do that ?" Nadia put water in the sink and began to wash the dishes.

"Stefan is giving me fighting lessons, I already know how to kill them, we just need a lot of sharp wood, so I say we do this, we break the stools and sharpen them into stakes, but hide them under my mattress so no one finds them, we build up our weapon stash and keep a bag of clothes and other essecials under the bed, when the times right, we grab them and run."

"We don't know how to fight, how does that help us ?" Vicky dried the plates and passed them to me.

"I can teach you," I put the plates in the cupboard.

"And when do you suppose we do this training ?" Nadia gave a wet plate to Vicky.

"Today, it's not like we have anywhere to go," Vicky passed me the dry plate.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Okay, tackle me," I stood in an attack postion waiting for Nadia to attack, Vicky was watching from my bed.

"You sure ? I don't want to hurt you..." Nadia was hesitant, I walked over to her and moved her arms to the right place.

"Stand like this, when you attack use all your weight to throw the punch, like this," I stood back and showed her how. "You try," she copied me, getting the punch perfect.

"Like that ?"

"Yep, now Vic, you stand here and practice sparring with Nadia, I'm going to get started on the stakes," I had already shown Vicky what to do so I left them to it. I grabbed a bar-stool and turned up the msuic, as soon as I was happy with the volume I hit the stool to the floor, when there was enough pieces I gathered them up and put them on my bed then grabbed the sharpest knife, I used the blade to make the points more sharp.

"Vic, change tactics, you are defence, Nad, you are the attacker." they switched.

So far I had sharpened at least ten stakes, and that was from one stool, tomorrow I could get more, but not too many at once or Stefan would get suspicious.

"Can we take a break now ?" Nadia asked, she and Vicky were both sweating and breathing heavily by now.

"Yeah, throw me a water," I grabbed a duffle bag, threw all the stakes in and hid it under the bed. I stood up and quickly grabbed the bottle of water being thrown at me.

"So we are really going to do this ? We are really going to try and escape ?" Vicky chugged half her water.

"There is no try we are getting out of here, I promise to get the two of you out of here even if it kills me," the girls gave me a long hard girl.

"No, it's either all of us or none of us," Vicky smiled, grabbing my hand.

"Good thing I'm too damn hard to kill right ?" Nadia rolled her eyes and swatted my shoulder.

"Good thing you got one hell of a right hook," I winked at her and we laughed again and started to sparr again.


Sorry For the short crappy chapter but just needed it to explain what the plan was xx

-CatJ xx

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