"Sorry about the staring, this is the first time I actually brought someone here, and I'm here most days. A lot of these people know me and are probably a little confused," Yoongi explained, pulling a chair out and gesturing Taehyung to sit.

He did so with a faint blush on his cheeks, which darkened when Yoongi also pushed his chair in for him.

"The menu here isn't super big, but everything here is so fucking good. Especially the lamb skewers, god they're good,"

Taehyung giggled, Yoongi having made a weird face when descibing his love for lamb skewers.

He looked at the menu in front of him, giggles dying when he saw the prices.

"Auntie charges a lot for her food, but it's always worth it. Best food ever, minus Jin Hyungs, but you didn't hear me say that,"

He nodded, looking for the cheapest thing there, which was still $10 more than he had.

"But even with her prices, you don't have to worry. You aren't paying anyways," Yoongi shrugged, putting his menu down on the edge of the table. He didn't need it, he knew he wanted lamb skewers.

"Uh, w-what?"

"You aren't paying. I am. Did you think I was going to make you pay for your own when I'm the one who made you come here?"

"You d-didn't make me do anything, I came h-here because I wanted to, not because you f-forced me," Taehyung explained with a frown.

The blonde shrugged again, "Either way, I'm paying. No arguments,"


"I said no arguments" He said sternly, voice intimidating.

Taehyung was sufficiently cowed, head bowed with a pout placed on his lips. "S-sorry,"

"It's alright sweetheart, just know I'm always paying from now on," Yoongi smirked, which was quickly replaced by a polite smile when the waiter approached.

"Sorry for the delay," She smiled, "So what can I get you started with today? Drinks?"

"Water, please. Taehyung?"

"W-water too, thank y-you,"

Taehyung was still blushing, Yoongi's hint of them hanging out more flustering him. It was nice to think about them hanging out more.

"And do you guys need more time, or are you ready to order?"

"You know my exact order, don't act like you're new here," The elder scoffed, making the girl roll her eyes.

"Yeah, but your boyfriend is really cute and I wanted to make a good impression on my new best friend,"

"Oh my god, Jisoo he's not my boyfriend! And I doubt he'd want to be friends with you"

"Rude. And sure he isn't. Anyways, what can I get you cutie?" Jisoo grinned at the flustered boy, who was unsuccessfully hiding his face.

"Whatever Y-Yoongi-ssi is having p-please," He asked politely, smiling when she nodded.

"Your food will be out shortly, have fun on your date!"

Yoongi growled at her under his breath before turning to the small boy with a gentle expression, "I'm sorry about the people here, I didn't know they would be such assholes,"

"It's alright," Taehyung was flustered, but it was fun to watch Yoongi himself get flustered. And it had been a while since he had seen people so close, so comfortable with each other.

"So, why'd you stop calling me hyung? I didn't mind, not at all,"

"Uhm, I j-just, uh. I r-realized I don't e-even know y-you, and I w-was so straight forward, and I-"

"Well, call me hyung. Please,"

"O-okay," Taehyung agreed, thanking Jisoo when she placed their waters on the table, leaving with a wink.

"Okay what?" Yoongi teased.

"Okay Hyung!"

"Good boy,"

Taehyung got more comfortable as the night went on, stuttering less and joking more. Whenever Jisoo appeared to ask how they were, he tensed up a bit, but Yoongi always made it better when she left.

The food, as promised, was delicious. Taehyung thought it was the second best food he'd ever had, no one would beat his grandma's cooking though.

Yoongi had laughed when his eyes widened after hesitantly eating the first bite, stuffing more food into his mouth.

It was nice. They were having a good time.

And then Yoongi left to use the bathroom, leaving Taehyung alone at their table.

Taehyung busied himself drawing on a napkin with a random pen Jisoo had offered him, when someone slid into the seat across from his.


"Not Yoongi cutie," Minho smirked.

Taehyung fell silent, body completely tense.

"The slut has nothing to say to me?" He fake pouted, "How sad. I can't believe you're even whoring around with people like Min Yoongi, though I shouldn't be suprised,"

"Y-you d-don't know m-me. Th-those r-rumors are f-fake," Taehyung defended, hands clentched into fists so tight, his nails left imprints in his palms.

"I know, I started them. But that doesn't mean they aren't somewhat true. I bet you and Yoongi had fucked, haven't you?"

"N-no! We haven't! W-why are y-you doing t-this?"

"I'm bored, and you're easy to mess with. You can't defend yourself, all you can do is stutter and wait until someone comes to save you," Minho said, watching the tears drop onto the boy's lap.

"A helpless little whore," He laughed.


Yoongi paid quickly, having used the excuse he needed to use the bathroom. He didn't need to. He also didn't need to sneak away to pay, but he had a feeling Taehyung would try to give him whatever money he could, he could tell the boy felt bad when he was told he wasn't paying.

He intended to get back quickly, but Jisoo cornered him and asked too many damn questions. All of which he denied, telling her they didn't know each other, and this wasn't a date.

As much as he wanted it to be a date, it wasn't.

So understandably, it took him a while to get away from Jisoo. He didn't expect someone to have stolen his seat though.

At first, he was jealous, the man was laughing and he assumed Taehyung was too. But then he looked closer, and Taehyung's head was facing down, tears staining his cheeks, and he was fucking furious.

The closer he stormed to the table, the more he recognized the man.

"Minho I'll give you 2 seconds to get the hell away from Taehyung before I snap your fucking neck," He growled.


1604! one of my longer chapters hoes.

my tummy feels really weird this morning, and i dunno why :((

but im happy, because as of today, i have lost 11.8 pounds!! its only like half my goal, but its still pretty good. the thing im pissed about is i dont look any different, i actually look worse than before lmao.

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

(I love my wife shes the best)

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