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Angel's Pov

I'm standing in front of the tall grey building deciding whether I should get in or not... After getting that phone call, I got in the first plane back to Australia. I was planning to come a year after but the circumstances were not in my favour. So here I am, after fifteen hours of flight and twelve hours of sleep, one step before one of my dreams becomes a reality.

Things have changed for the better. For the past eight years, I've been living in Greece getting to know my heritage and the way of how life can be extraordinary, I guess. I met wonderful people and members of my family that I didn't know I had... My grandma was right when she told me we are a grand family, literally. Turns out that I have twelve cousins... My father told me of his other three brothers but he never mentioned about them having four children. Each... 

They all live in Athens and I am grateful to have them, honestly. I've been living with my twin cousins, Dimitri and Alcmene, and they supported me more than anyone. I call them Jim and Al. They introduced me with their friends and eventually became mine.  I've spent the best years I could ever imagine. I never actually found out why we never had contact with our family in Greece. When I asked them, they told me that our parents stopped talking to each other a year before my brother died... They never knew why and they finally spoke again when my father sent me. My other cousins are mostly six to ten years older than me, expect from the twins which are in my age.

I graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, four years ago as a Mathematician and now, for the last four years, I was taking classes on English Literature. I graduated a month ago. My cousin, Jim, found my writings in my room one time laying around and he persuaded me to enrol on those classes because apparently I have 'gamato talento' as he said in Greek, which means heck of a talent.  

For the past three years, I've been writing a book and when my teachers in the University read it, they persuaded me to send it in some Publishing Houses. Of course being in English, I sent it in two houses in Britain, three in the States and one in Australia. I got a phone call from the States but the deal they wanted wasn't something I could agree upon and same went with one of Britain's. So yeah, when I spoke to the 'Blue & Red' here in Australia, they insisted that they wanted to publish my book with any terms and they had to agree to it. They only condition they had was that they wanted to discuss with me in person, roughly in two days. 

That's what has gotten me back here and in Melbourne. 

You may ask what happened with my friends. For the first year, I've lost contact of Alex and Dave when suddenly they decided to pay me a visit in Greece. I never asked how they got here or how they find me because some things or not to be asked. I introduced them to all of my people there and had the best summer I could ever ask for. After that I face-timed them mostly every morning, because of the time difference, and got back my friends. Apparently, they got together two days after my leaving and they still going strong.

I remember bragging about it for two days when they visited me, yelling all the time "I told you so!". I don't think they were happy about it. Alex finished Uni the same time as I did with my first degree and now she is a happy vet as she always wanted. Dave graduated a year after because he had some complications with his exams and now he is apparently a teacher in a primary school. To be honest, I never thought he would actually choose that career but it's working for him. Three days ago they announced that they are finally engaged and when they asked me to be their Maid of Honour I was so happy that I screamed. Al thought that someone broke in. They said that they are going to get married next year when I come back; little did they know that I'm already here...

I asked a few times, right and there, about Kyle but they never told me any details because I didn't want to know much. Alex told me that he is doing ok for the most time and he is fighting to achieve his dream. That was like two years ago. I never asked about him again cause it was too heartbreaking for me. They keep in touch with him but I told them not to tell him that they are in touch with me. I don't want him to think that I only left him behind. The truth is, I never actually forgot him. I stayed single for all those years because of him. I pushed every single guy away who wanted me and with the help of my cousins, that was easy. I loved him and still do but I didn't want him to follow me. That's why I left him like that. I wanted what was best for him and nothing more. I will never forget how Alex talked about him when he found out that I left. Just telling me how he reacted was enough for me to see him in my dreams every single night. 

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