Chapter 9

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Kyle's Pov

Her piercing blue eyes were the only thing I saw in my dreams. Since yesterday her reaction was the only thing I was thinking. She is into me.

The question is; do I feel the same or am I doing it just for the bet?

I felt weird when I touched her face after I interfered between Kate and her.

Kate is an idiot. What was she thinking?

Angel fought her back and I didn't expect that happening. No one has, ever, done that before. Kate and Olivia bully everyone but no one fought them back, well expect Alex but that doesn't count.

Angel is strong but I can see her weakness through her eyes. She has something that no other girl has.

"It's because she has the same look as your sister, idiot!" said the voice in my head.

Maybe it is but I don't think it's only that. The only thing I'm sure is that I meant what I told her. I do want to get to know her.

"Man, snap out of it." Jo said snapping his fingers in front of my face.

We are sitting outside at the school yard. We skipped the last period and now we are 'relaxing' as Jo said. Well, technically he is smoking and I'm sitting here thinking.

"You seriously taking her out..." he laughed a bit. "Man you almost made it." he said like he tried to believe it.

"Yeah..." I answered unsure.

I could feel his stare at the side of my head. I looked at him and then something changed in his expression, like, he realised something.

"Please don't tell me you got feelings for her?" he asked angry.

Ok...what does he care?!

"No, but if I was?! Why do you care?!" I asked frustrated.

"Damn it Kyle!" he shouted and stood up. "I knew it. That's why I didn't like her. She already has affected you. She is changing you with the poor-damaged-girl play! She is getting in your head!" Jo shouted.

I was shocked. Jo was never that pissed off. Why does he care about how I feel? Is not like I have fallen for her! Whatever happens in my head is my business, not his!

"Look Kyle! I'm not letting a psychotic girl to get in your head, alright?" he yelled.

Ok, that's it!

"Hey, what is your problem?! I am not into her! All this is because I want to win that bet and that's it! I have never fallen for any girl and especially not a damaged one. Give me a break!" I shouted pissed off.

I am confused. I really don't know what's wrong with me. 

Am I into her? Definitely not. 

Have I picked feelings for her? I don't know.

"You better be." he said angry.

"Ok bro, that's it! What's wrong with you?" I asked frustrated.

"Nothing." he whispered facing towards the horizon.

What's wrong with him? He only once reacted like that when he found out I liked Kate but that was years ago...

Hold on a second...Then it hit me.

"You like Angel, don't you?" I asked determined.

He didn't reply.

That answered my question.

"How long?" I whispered.

He left a breath.

"A week ago; when you told me on how you thought you saw your sister in her..." he signed. I could see he felt embarrassed.

I get it. John was close to my sister. He liked her. Actually, she was the only girl he cared about. After what happened, he changed. Liza cut him off so he was left heartbroken. He was a mess for days. After that, he never let any girl to get close to him. Kate was close but not like my sister was.

"...the way you told me about the look she has." he said broken.

Damn it, what have I done?

I feel awful because I feel frustrated that he has those feelings when I am supposed to be the one who is confused not him.

I'm so selfish.

"I will continue the bet and you will the one to comfort her." I suggested.

Wow, what the hell was that?! What am I doing? I don't want him to comfort her. I want to be that person. I want to hold her in my arms. 

What am I saying?! What's wrong with me?! I don't like her... Right?

"You messed up, dude..." I thought.

"What are you talking about?" he asked confused.

I signed and tried to process my suggestion. After all this I 'm going to hook up with his ex and he will be with the girl that I betrayed. Win-win situation, right? Oh... God! This is not right! He is my best friend, though...He wants her, so that means I'm going to give her up... That's what friends do... Put your friends first...That's what they say... 

"I win the bet. I get Kate. You get Angel. It's a win, win." I told him.

Maybe it has to be like that. I'm not the right person to be with her, but do I want all this to happen?

"You think it can work?" he asked hopeful.

I've never seen him like this. He cares for a girl that doesn't know at all just because he reminds him of a girl he cared once. 

This is messed up.

"Yeah, it can work." I signed.
He looked at me with a pleased expression.

"Thank you. You know, no one does that. You are the best." he said smiling.

I smiled back.

I know. I know, no one ever gives the girl to his best friend.

Am I an idiot?
Boom! I love this chapter!!
What do you think guys?

Does Jo really feels like that?

See you!
Kisses ❤️❤️

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