Chapter 21

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Angel's Pov

I felt my heart breaking in pieces, when those words came out from Alex's mouth. The familiar feeling of heartbreaking came pouring down to me. This can't be true...

"It was all a bet.." she said avoiding on looking into my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I whispered.

"Kyle...he..." she hesitated "It was all a bet. He made a bet with Jo, probably, if he could make you go out with him or fall for him. I don't know..." she spited out, her eyes full of tears and was trying to restrain herself from breaking down.

She sighed "I don't know... what's...going on but I know it's true. I heard them talking..."

I don't know what to say.

"I'm so...sorry" she sobbed. "I should have known. I should have warned you when Jo was acting so weird or when you told me Kyle was the one who asked you out. I could never think Kyle would do such a thing... I know him for a very long time and I didn't expect this from him." she started crying.

I watched her crying in Dave's arms. He was trying to calm her down by whispering in her ear; "It's ok. It's not your fault."

I was trying to let it sink into my mind. I didn't know how to react.

Was all this fake? Was he playing with me? To prove what? To who?

My mind wasn't thinking. It was like I wasn't there. I felt nothing, empty. My legs had their own mind when I rushed out of the door, away from school.

I didn't know where I was going or who I was looking for. I was running, I don't know for how long but my legs were feeling shore when I reached the woods.

The woods? Why am in the woods?

I sat at the dork where Kyle told me a month ago how he feels or felt.

The place which not only holds the best memory of my life but also the worst one. I don't know how to react. I feel my heart shattering every time Alex's words come in my mind.

"It was all a bet."

How could he do this to me?! I trusted him! I gave him every bit of my trust that had left me and he did this! I should have known.

There always a flaw, always a goal behind everything. He used me and I was a fool for trusting him.


I've been here for hours. It's dark now. The only thing you can see is the lights from town. I'm not crying. I don't have any tears left in me. I just sit here and do nothing.

"He played with you. I told you, you shouldn't have trusted him. It's like the last time." said the voice in my head.

Was he really playing with me? 


"Angel?" I hear a familiar voice from behind me.

I turn around and I see him.

How did he know I was going to be here?

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