Chapter 34

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Angel's Pov

I spent the last four years of my life, blaming myself for what happened. I thought that I was the one who deprived my brother from our family. I blamed myself for years and nothing good came out of it...

Now, that everything is over, I feel like I can finally breathe. I got the closure I was begging for and for the first time in years I'm happy. If you ask me what I'm going to do now, the answer is simple. I am going to follow my original plan when I first stepped my foot on this school but with an alteration that I never knew I was going to do.

It's being seven months since everything fell into the right place and I am now officially eighteen and waiting for my acceptance 'letter' or precisely an acceptance email from the University of Melbourne to study Mathematics and Statistics.

My original plan was to apply at any University in the country and to just get the hell out of here but with Kyle in the middle; I just had to decide... He is finally in a good place with his Dad and he is sending him off to study Business and Management in Melbourne at summer and that's when he asked me to follow him... I couldn't say no, so I guess I had to accept.

We both planned to be together and with my GPA and my test results I have a lot of possibilities to get in so I guess it's going to work out.

We are two weeks away from our graduation and quite a two-month gap from leaving from here.

Kyle has being there for me more than I can imagine. At the anniversary of my brother's death, he was there the whole day. He never left my side, only when I asked him to...


I hate it when I come here. It's so quiet. Dead quiet... 

I stare at the entrance of the cemetery and don't move a centimetre from where I am standing. My brother is in there and every year is harder to enter than the previous one. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Kyle said with low voice.

I looked at him and smiled. He is thoughtful. How can I deserve this? How can I deserve him? Without a word I shake my head 'no' and hug him. I try to hold back my tears. I don't want them to show up... at least for now.

"I need to tell him alone." I whisper and pull back.

I give Kyle one more look and enter. I walk and pass each and every grave. Every time that I arrive here, at least one new is added in the collection. I try to picture each and every one of those people's stories. In what way did they live? Did they have a good life?  How their life ended? Fortunately, most of the graves are old people's and not young ones...

Seventeen. That's how many graves I had to pass every year to reach my brother's. Irony right? The exact same number as my brother's age... 

Although, this year it's one more, eighteen. They added one more.

I reach my brother's grave and the first thing I always notice is his picture. His brown eyes bright with happiness and his brown hair are messed up. He is smiling. The day it was taken was when he learned he got into MIT... I remembered that day. He was so happy that he made us sing in the top of our voices the whole day. I found it kind weird back then but that was my brother...

I miss him so much... I fall into my knees in front of it and tears start falling.

"Hey Percy... You won't believe what great news I have to tell you..." I try to smile. I have to tell him. I own it to myself and him.

"I miss you...I miss my big brother. All this was my fault Percy and it will take a long time to forgive myself..." I am already crying. I have to talk to him...

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