Chapter 27

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Kyle's Pov

It's funny how things change just in one day or even a second.

Time is a fragile thing so that's why timing is everything we have so as not to break it. Time is all we have. Nothing else matters.

So that's what I'm asking in order to rewrite everything I did in the past. I need more time and only one person can give me that.

She has given me more than anything else and....yet again, I'm asking one more thing.

These last three weeks have been all I needed to almost finish the process of my redemption.


Everything has been going so smooth and at peace. Angel deserves to be at peace for once and I'm really glad that I have to do with it most part.

Since that night, when I came clean to her about everything, it's like something has been lifted off my chest and I can't believe after five years, I feel light as a feather.

I'm glad that I get to learn new things about her, now that I sleep with her almost every night.


I snick in her bedroom through the window every night and some nights I bring her to my house in secret without hers or mine parents finding out.

I still remember how she reacted the first time she slept in my house and now it became a routine. It was that night I came clean and needed to feel close to her.

"Please stay." I said as I kissed her neck.

"I will for a while. I need to go home before it gets dark." she breathed as she pulled away.

"No, I mean stay for the night and we will go together at school tomorrow." I pleaded.

She looked at me confused and stared at me with those big blue eyes.

"I can' that. You know I can't do that. I have to go home my mom is gonna go nuts." she silently claimed and tried to get away from my brace.

I pulled her back "Please. I need you here with me." I pleaded as widened my eyes.

"No! Don't give me that face, Stone. A no is a no. I mean it. Besides, what am I going to tell my mom?" she explained.

I wrapped my arms around her waist making impossible for her to escape.

"Just tell her you are going to stay at Alex's. I need you here with me." I leaned closer and breathed in her neck.

"But...what...about my sisters..." she tried, losing her words.

"Please..." I insisted as I looked her straight in the eye.


And that was it. I remembered her body flipping around the bed as she was trying to get comfortable but she didn't. Especially, after the nightmare she had. She was thrusting and screaming in her sleep to leave her alone. By the time I was capable to wake her up, tears were falling from her eyes and her body shaking. Not until I took her in my embrace she was able to go back to sleep and relax.

She still hasn't told me about what it is. I can guess though...

She did tell me she has nightmares almost every night but I only witnessed one.

I know the cause of her nightmares is what happened four years ago. I try to make her talk to me about that but it's no use.

She is not ready yet to talk.

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