Chapter 20

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Alex's Pov

This couple of weeks had been the most difficult time of my life.

When Kyle and Angel announced to me and Dave that they are finally together, I felt really happy. My best friend finally was with who she wanted to and my little brother was finally settling down.

Adversely I, on the other hand, was stuck only with my feelings of John and he messed up situation with Di. I didn't want to discuss any of it with Angel because I value her too much. She would have been disappointed if she knew what kind of deal I had made with Dave.

Besides, it wasn't the first time...

About Hill, things weren't good. Worse than the last time...I knew that he wasn't going to talk to me after he saw what he saw but I realised he ignored us even more when he found out about Kyle and Angel. The question, though, is why?

He never expressed any interest on Angel, so why would he stop talking to them?

I couldn't choose between him and my best friend.

I needed some answers, so I decided to skip the last two periods before lunch to talk to him.I knew he was probably out of class as he always skips these particular hours.

I saw him sitting on a bench in the courtyard. Alone. His hands on his head and staring at the ground.

"Jo." I whispered as I went close to him.

He raised his head from the ground and looked at me.

"Alex...what are you doing here?" he said with low voice.

"I need to talk to you." I said as I sat beside him. "Why are you like this? What happened? Why are you mad? Why are you avoiding me? Kyle? Angel? Why are you giving all those glares to them?" I blurted out all those questions that had been running for weeks.

He looked at me with an irritated expression and then he laughed ironically.

"Why should I tell you? You choose them over me and let's not forget what happened at the party..." he said as he rolled his eyes.

"It's not like that and you know it. You know you can trust me. As for the party, you should ask yourself why that happened. I am not going to wait around for you." I whispered determined.

I do feel like this. I do feel I'm waiting for him to wake up. I can't do that anymore but when am I going to realise that I need to wake up? I need to stop playing these games; to stop trying to get his attention.

He didn't answer. Why is he doing this? Why is he not letting me in? He knows I care about him a lot and I'll never stop.

"Look. I don't know what happened between you and Kyle but all I know is this. You have been friends since I can remember, so you can't throw away all this years of friendship just because of something that's probably stupid." I snapped.

Again, no answer. Ok that's it.

"Gosh Jo!! Stop being so arrogant and tell me what happened!!" I yelled. "Are you into Angel or something and you acting like that!?" I said irritated.

"No." he responded simply.

"Then?" I asked confused.

"I can't tell you." he said living a breath.

"John. Tell me." I insisted.

"Fine. You want to know?" he asked ironically.

"Yes!! What am I talking about this whole time!?" I yelled frustrated.

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