Chapter 16

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Kyle's Pov

When I was little I read a lot of books that made me understand how life worked. Surprised? Why would a guy like me, read novels about life? I forgot that part of my life. I forgot how I was. At our first date when she expressed the fact that she uses books as tools for her escape from reality, I felt something inside of me banging to come out. I used to do that in the past but I ended it because after what happened I stopped believing in fairytales. 

That's the difference between me and her. She knows that what she is reading it's not real. I, on the other hand, believed and hoped that those things were real... Everything, though, came crushing me down after that day...

No one knows how I used to be, except from Alex and Jo, but I think they have forgotten as well. I don't want anyone to find out how I used to be...How vulnerable and weak I was. After that, I never let anyone to see my weaknesses. The act of the bad boy was my protection from getting hurt.

I get what Jo saw in her. He was right to be afraid of me falling for her. It quite scares me that she makes me dreading everything I do without doing anything at all herself. Just one word from her lips and you are down. I feel like she brings step by step back to the surface that thirteen-year-old boy who still believed in fairytales...

Last night, I was dreading every second after I droped her at her house.

When Jo came to us exactly before I was ready to kiss her, I wanted to punch something. I almost kissed her again.

God, I can't believe this.

I am falling for her, I know that for sure and now I don't know what to do...

All night my phone was buzzing. John was calling me and I declined every text and call from him.

"Why didn't do you as we planned?"

"Why did you go home and take Angel with you?"

"Why didn't you go with Kate as we said so?"

"What happened?"

"You better answer the phone now bro!"

He wrote at many of his texts.

That night I was thinking everything. I will never forget how she changed back to that cocky attitude of hers when she saw me looking at Kate. She felt, probably, threatened but I can assure you that there is no reason for her to be. It's true, I was staring at her but not the way she assumed. I was trying to find what exactly was what draw me to her in the first place. What exactly was that, that persuaded me to agree to that bet? 

Nothing. I couldn't find it. Whatever it was, it's not there anymore. Kate is a 'difficult' person. She wasn't like that but she became mean and started that 'Queen Bee' act, as Alex likes to say. She doesn't know how to speak like a normal person and thinks that everyone is below her. My eyes opened way to late...

How did I put myself at this situation?

I'm falling for a girl that I'm not supposed to.

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