Chapter 30

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Kyle's Pov

It's weird how life works. I mean at one moment you are just sitting waiting for something to happen and the next minute everything blows up.

This night was definitely a roller coaster. My sister came back and she is better than I can imagine and my girlfriend on the other hand is falling apart. I don't know what I can do to help her. I really don't...

"Everything ok?" I hear someone asking from the entrance of the kitchen.

I look up and see Liz staring at me.

"Yeah. Everything's fine. I just came to drink some water." I said as a matter of fact as I could hear my parents shouting over a card game in the living room for a while now.

"You know what I mean..." she signed as she rolled her eyes.

I took a breath and stared at the ceiling.

"I guess it's not..." she pointed out.

"I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless. I don't know what to do to make her stop hurting all the time." I whispered as I said in one breath.

I really can't make any sense about it. I mean one minute I am kissing her, holding her, laughing with her and the next I know she is back in my arms crying about the past; the past that is haunting her for years, the past that she can't escape. It took a lot of strength for her to relive her past tonight. I didn't hear something that I did not already know but I know she needed to talk about it so she can feel better. My assumptions of her nightmares were confirmed. That bastard is still hurting her...

My sister comes closely and takes me in her embrace, stroking my hair slowly to soothe me.

"You don't have to do anything, you know that. She will figure out what she wants you to do for her. I bet my life on it that you are treating her like a wounded puppy, am I right or not?" she laughed.

What?! What is she talking about?

I push her way and lean on the other side of the bench.

"No I am not! I care about her and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make her happy. I am not treating her like she is weak! Believe me when I say that's she is the strongest person I know and she can kick anyone's ass if someone goes against her!" I claimed. "I'm talking from experience..." I whispered the last part.

My sister widened her eyes and laughed.

"OH!! Please don't tell me she beat you up and I missed it!!" she laughed.

Ok, how do I say this... that she almost shot me!?

"Not exactly...What can you imagine when I tell you that the story contains a bow and an arrow?" I hesitated.

The laughs stopped. She looked at me terrified like she saw a ghost .

"She shot you! What did you do that could possibly made her shot you!?" she shouted - whispered.

Something unforgivable, something that no decent human could ever do. From this you can see how good, generous and warm-hearted she is in order to forgive me for something like that...

"You have no idea..." I whispered.

So I told Liz everything. 

About the bet...


The price.


How difficult it was for Angel to trust people.

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