Chapter 22

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Kyle's Pov


A noun that means containing nothing.

That's how I felt the last couple of weeks and still do. When she shouted at me, pushed me, warned me to not come close, I felt all of my emotions fading away.

I feel nothing. Empty. Complete emptiness.

The truth is that all this had to be done. Funny you may say but....I don't regret that she found out. I regret the way she found out.

You don't appreciate what you have until you lose it, some people say. I didn't exactly know the meaning of this phrase but now I do.

Now, that I lost her.

How could I be so selfish!?

"It was just a bet."

No it wasn't just a bet; it was the bullet that destroyed me fully. I still don't know what I truly feel about her but I know this.

It's not just what I feel about her; it's what I do not feel for anyone but her.

She is fire that its purpose is to burn anyone in its pass. A fire that was kindled with rage and heartbreak from all the evil things she has gone through.

How couldn't I notice? I could see all the walls she was trying to built to protect her from everyone. Her genuine smile and the bright blue eyes was her mask.

Exactly like my sister.

The same story, with a different ending.

Hiding the mourn she still has about her brother, the hatred towards the guy he made her lose trust in people. I tried to climb those walls and I succeeded for a while. I gained her trust and probably her.....heart.

I still don't know, if I had. I betrayed her before I even get to feel the things I feel now.

That's why she burnt me.

She is probably the strongest person I know and it is actually a privilege that I got hurt by her.

"Man, are you going to eat that?" Dave whispered from beside me, throwing me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I said 'Are you going to eat that?'" he said pointing to my food.

We are in the school cafeteria and I haven't even touched my food. We are sitting in the corner of the room away from everyone to limit the stares but I don't think it makes a difference.

When the whole school find out that I and Angel broke up, they were talking about it on and off. Kate hasn't left me alone. She started again the same shit.

I heard some of the rumours on what caused our break up and all of them are insane. I heard someone saying that she used me to gain popularity or to win a bet.

That's stupid! How can they believe something like that? Angel would never do such thing. It's all the way around!

I don't know how she feels right now, if she is ok or how she is doing. I haven't seen her since that night. I don't know how that is even possible. I know she is coming to school but I guess she is doing everything in order she won't face me. I know if she does, she going to kill me. She is so strong and stubborn. I laugh at that thought.

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