Chapter 5

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Angel's Pov

Things have been very weird since I moved and I don't mean with a nice way. Since that night, since that talk I had with Kyle, I can't get it or him off my mind.

"You know sometimes you need take a risk on someone." he said.

Why does he care anyway? The creepiest of all is that he figured me out in a minute just by looking at me.

"... you don't trust anyone."

God!! How did he do that?!

It's been a week since that night and I've trying to avoid him at any chance. Those brown eyes staring at me. I think I see him everywhere I go. I need to him off my mind...

'Yeah you should, Remember last time.' said my inner voice. I know I should.

"Shy, beautiful, strong" he said.

Those words have been running in mind all week. He doesn't know me at all. I am not shy or strong and definitely not beautiful.

"Angel, are you ok?" Alex said from next to me.

We are in the school cafeteria, lunch time, and we are sitting at the corner of the room just to avoid the stare. Apparently, everyone seems to believe that I'm a psychopath. Idiots. It's called not to interact with people.

Alex has been such a good friend this whole week. She hasn't left my side since that night. She knows something is bothering me but she lets it go 'cause she knows I don't want to talk about it.

But today something tells me she doesn't have any more patience.

"I'm fine." I said with low voice.

"No, you are not. You have been staring at your food all this time and you haven't eaten a bit. You of all people who loves food!!" she pointed out.

What did I tell you? She even noticed just in a week I'm in love with food.

"Is that obvious?" I asked with a small laugh.

"Are you seriously asking me?" she smiled. "Angel, tell me what's bothering you? You've been like this all week and today, it's worse. What's going on?"

I signed. I guess I need to tell her.

"Remember the night you dropped me off so I could practice?"

"Yeah..." she replied confused.

"I saw Kyle that night." I blurt out.

"So? He has practice almost every day and...." then she widened her eyes. "Ohh my God! What did he tell you?! I swear if he.."

"It's nothing bad. Don't worry." I cut her off. "It's just...well...we had a conversation that I can't get off my mind lately and today it's even worse." I signed.

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