Chapter 1

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    They say that timing is everything we have in our lives in order to achieve our goals. I never understood it until something bad happened to me and my family and because of that everything turned upside down... 

Because I played my life...

The consequences of that, was for us to move. My parents decided to move to a bigger house because of my new born twin sisters, as we mostly say to most people but I know that's not the reason. We needed to move from the other neighbourhood.

Here is the thing, I am now a member of a huge family of six and things never go as planned especially when you are me.

My name is Angel Vaile. A seventeen-year-old shy girl, who doesn't want to be in the spotlight and focus only in what she wants.

I'm not as sociable as it supposed to be for seventeen-year-old and I'm actually happy with it. I've lost trust in people especially, after the event that occurred in my family, which I'm trying to forget. I don't make easily friends and I don't think I actually had one in my life.

Today is the first day at my new school.

This year is my senior year and when I turn eighteen at the end of the year, I will get the hell out of here. There are so many bad memories here that I can't cope with.

So, no more thinking of what I had or what I didn't have and focusing only in one thing.

Uni. Nothing else.

Today I have to face of the 'new kid going to new school' stuff.

That's going to be a hell of a ride.


"Come on Angel! You've got this. One more lesson and you are out of here." I told myself as I walked through the crowded hallways of the school.

Some of the students gave me weird looks, which I ignored. When I reached my locker I opened it and took out my books and placed them in my bag.

Actually this day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I sat at the back of every class. No one spoke to me, neither did I. So I guess it was good.

"Keep it like that Angel. Have a low profile and eventually you will finish this year without being noticeable." I thought.

I looked at my schedule. Last lesson for today, maths. Great, at least I had a lesson I love. Yeah, I know it's weird. Apparently, I'm the weirdo who enjoys Maths. Maths are the same in any place, they don't change. It's the only thing you can trust. You can solve anything with your own way. There is no right or wrong if you explain it correctly.

As I walked in the classroom, my teacher waved at me to go towards him.

"You must be Angel Vaile, right?" he asked with a big smile in his face.

He was quite young to be a teacher and especially a maths teacher.

He was probably twenty-seven to thirty, black hair, hazel eyes. Way taller than me.

"Yeah..." I replied.

"Great! I'm Mr. Lee, Thomas Lee, and I will be your maths teacher this year."

He was probably the stereotype of the cool teacher, the one who tries to be friends with their students. I kinda liked those teachers.

"Ok." I smiled.

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