Chapter 8 (Not someone to be trusted)

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"I mean I will be going office from this route only so. And you could save your tomorrow's travel fare as well," he explained after hearing no replies from Jasmine.

"Oh okay, that will be great; I will see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, cool."

"And yes don't work too much," she said pointing towards the wooden box on the back seat and turned around and started walking again. A smile appeared in her face and she could not control it.

As Stefen was driving back home, he was smiling just with the thought of picking Jazz the next morning. It took him 20 minutes more to reach his apartment because he took another route to home as he had to drop Jazz.

People are wrong when they say that 'people changes according to time'. Well Jazz hasn't. She is the same as I remembered her. Innocent yet smart, careful yet funny. He thought.

He was happy when she said she didn't have a boyfriend not that he would have minded if she had, but...


Finally, he reached his apartment. He opened the door but to his shock the lights were on. He'd kept a very excellent security lock so there was no chance of anyone breaking in. He stepped further into the dining room when he saw his dad having white wine.


Mr. William Wills tilted his glass a little bit like he was saying 'cheers' and took another sip of it. 

"What a pleasant surprise, how come you're here?"

"You don't come to visit this old man, so I thought of coming to visit you."

"Come on, we meet everyday at work and I know you way too well... Spill out dad, why are you actually here? Not that I'm complaining, but it's not your style. Is everything okay?"

"Things are great son. Your dad's still very brilliant. It's just that... I had a query in my mind."

"What is it dad?"

"The girl I saw with you earlier at the office's elevator... is there something I need to know?"

"Nothing dad, my god you came all the way here to ask me about that?"

"As far as I know you son, you are not that close with girls. But the way I see it that is not the same case with her. I even saw her entering your car. Come on bud, I am your best friend right?"

"Dad, stop with your emotional words. There is nothing you need to know. She is just a new intern in the office, so I was just trying not to make her feel lonely and her apartment was on the way to my apartment so I was helping her since it would do no harm to me."

"Oh son, I am your dad. I think you forgot that."


"I know you very well Stef. We have many new interns in the company, I don't see you helping anyone of them, especially girls. And her apartment definitely is not on the way here. I left the company after you did and I did not see your car anywhere on the road plus you arrived here around 20 minutes late then you should have. Now, care to say the truth?"

"Wow dad, you should have become a detective than a businessman. There is nothing to say. Now please dad, don't disturb me I have got works to do."

"Are those documents of our Garment's Factory?" he said as Stefen was opening the wooden box and taking out files from inside.

"Yes dad, they are. I just wanted to see its this year's performance. I feel the profit is not sufficient. It is much less than it should have been whereas the fact is that this year the profit should be very high because of the amount we supplied."

"Hmm, I was thinking about that too. But Kevin said it was because the buyers bargained a lot and the negotiation did not go well."

"I don't trust that Kevin at all dad. You've made him the manager of that factory for no good reason."

"He is your Aunt Sesha's son Stef. He would never betray us."

"I can't even argue with you dad." he sighed and went to his room to refresh.

"Okay son, since you didn't answer my real question, I'm going... for today," he emphasized the last words. "I trust you son. I'm ready to accept any girl of your choice."

There was a silent after that and he heard the main door open and shut . He smiled hearing his dad as he saw himself in the mirror. He is such a stubborn.

After refreshing he went to the living room and started going through the files. The coffee sips helped him a lot. 

The reports were just as he thought it to be. Kevin was not someone to be trusted. 

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