Chapter 20 (How dare you hurt her?)

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She wasn't moving at all. Her eyes were closed. She was unconscious, at least he wished her to be only unconscious and not... Stefen came closer to Jasmine's body and knelt beside her not knowing what just happened. He didn't dare touch her body. He was traumatized.

"What the hell is happening here?" A voice was heard from the crowd as he was making his way towards the scene.

"Stefen?" Jack was shocked seeing Stefen there.

"What's happ... Jasmine?" Jack rushed and knelt beside Stefen.

"What happened here Stefen? Are you fine?" He put his hand on Stefen's shoulder and shook it as Stefen wasn't moving at all. He looked partially paralyzed. Jack immediately took his phone out and called for an ambulance.

Jasmine was soon taken to the hospital. Stefen held Jasmine's hand from the time the ambulance arrived and didn't leave her until the doctors and Jack forced him to. Holding her hand was giving him hope, hope to see her fine and be with her. Stefen stayed back impatiently and Jack made a phone call in the office to inform about the accident and their absence.

Stefen was still stunned with what happened in the matter of few seconds. He'd just seen her smiley face and she had told him that she would wait for him to return. He disgusted himself for being the reason behind Jasmine's condition. She had saved his life and risked hers.

She had called my name. If only I wasn't busy thinking about that asshole Kevin I would have been more careful crossing the road. She risked her life and saved mine. Shouldn't that be the other way around? I should be there for her, I should've been the one to protect her but I failed. I failed her. I can't lose her again. I have waited for her for so long. She is finally a part of my life again. I have just got her back and now she's fighting to survive just because of me. I'm a freaking loser and I am the asshole. He was lost in his thoughts as his phone rang. He didn't check the caller name and picked it up.

"Hello brother." The person on the other side of the phone spoke.

Stefen frowned as he recognized the voice.

"Kevin, listen I'm not coming to meet you. It was dumb of me to accept it in the first place. Do what you want to."

"Aww small bro I did what I wanted to but it's sad the result was not as I expected. That damn girl of yours came in middle." He said faking sadness in his voice. Stefen clenched his fist after hearing that.

"It was you who planned the accident? You bloody..." he was interrupted.

"No brother, don't say anything anymore, even I failed see. You are all fine and talking with me right now. Well I'm still glad you got to see the hint of what I'm capable of. Now go back to your father and ask him recruit me again or else I will even snatch away the hard breathe that your girl is taking right now."

Stefen's eyes turned red after hearing Kevin. "Where are you?" He asked it in a calm voice.

"Oookay, seems like you're finally giving in. I'm in my apartment, come soon. "

Stefen hung the phone and walked through the corridors in rush. He banged with Jack on the way.

"Hey buddy, watch it. What's the matter? You look... angry."

"Jack I need your help, stay in the hospital please and call me if there is any news about Jasmine's health. I have to go somewhere; I will try to be back soon." Stefen said and started walking without listening to Jack's reply. Jack stood there not knowing what just happened.

Stefen took a cab since his car was still in the company. He finally reached in Kevin's apartment. He was furious and impatient. He kept ringing the doorbell until it opened.

The door opened and Kevin's wicked smiley face came to vision. Without thinking twice Stefen barged in and started punching and kicking Kevin. He took all his frustrations out on Kevin. Kevin tried to fight back but Stefen didn't give him any chance to do so. His eyes were dark and filled with rage. He kicked Kevin so hard that he fell on his back. Stefen knelt and sat on Kevin's stomach and started to punch him again. His punches being harder than the one before.

"How dare you hurt her? You bloody crap. And how dare you think of hurting her again after what you did? How dare you threaten me and make her the bait? What did you think, I will let it slide? You have crossed all the boundaries Kevin. I did not send you to prison because my dad said not to do it but now I don't care. You will pay for hurting my Jasmine." Stefen said still punching Kevin on his face.

He grabbed Kevin's collar and pulled him up to face him, "Remember she is mine and I will not allow anyone in this world to hurt her. Especially not a crappy ass like you." Stefen shouted and started punching Kevin again on his face.

Kevin was slowly losing his consciousness. His eyes were turning blue and his face was slowly swelling. Bloods were oozing out from his mouth, his forehead and cheeks. His face was covered with bruises.

Soon the police officers arrived and pulled Stefen away from Kevin.

"Wait Mr. Wills. Please calm down, we will handle this." One of the police officers said as he was holding Stefen tightly stopping him from making any more moves. They handcuffed Kevin and picked him up. Kevin was half-unconscious. The officers supported him to stand and took him from there.

"Officers, I want you to take strict action against him."

"We will Mr. Wills,  but first you need to calm down." The officer loosened his grip after Kevin was out of their sight.

"You will also have to come with us to report the case as you were one of the witnesses of the accident and you will also have to tell us about the fraud he did in your company."

"Sure officer, but before that I have to go back to the hospital. Can I come to the police station tomorrow?"

"Sure, take care of yourself and... umm your hands as well. They don't look good." The officer said pointing towards Stefen's knuckles. They were bleeding. He was so angry towards Kevin and the pain in his heart was so big and painful that he didn't realize when he'd hurt himself in the process.

"Yes officer, thank you." Stefen said and walked out immediately. He had to know Jasmine's condition. Jack hadn't called him which meant that she was still in the operation room.  He rushed back to the hospital.

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