Chapter 5 (Pending high-5)

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"You don't have to make that sacrifice. I'll have the burger today and I'll make sure to come early tomorrow and have the pizza" she said it and tried to exchange their plates again but her hands were stopped by two soft yet strong hands.

"No I insist you have the pizza today itself. It's your first day here. I don't want you to have any bad memory of your first day at work."

Jack dropped his fork on the plate hearing Stefen explain the reason behind his good deed. It was the first time ever in all these years, Jack saw Stefen caring for a girl. He looked at the figure in front of him who had taken over Stefen's body trying to figure out what was going on. 

Jasmine smiled back and did as he said and had 'her' no 'his' pizza. They were delicious and the fact that it was initially his food made it tastier. 

The four of them were enjoying their food.

"So how's your work going Stefen?" suddenly the silence was broken by Alice.

"Huh?..." Stefen looked ahead towards. "Oh! hi Alice! Sorry didn't notice you there. I was starving you know. And yeah the work is kind of hectic but I love it."

"That's good to hear", Alice replied in a small tone and continued eating her food.

So they do know each other. But I want to know how. Jazz thought.

"You two know each other?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes we...", but before Alice could finish saying Stefen spoke.

"Yes we are from the same university. We joined the company together. Jack is also from the same uni."

"So is it like everyone from your college got their internship accepted in this company?" she questioned.

"Not really. Only five of us got accepted here" Jack said smiling towards her.

"Oh", she nodded.

"What about you Jazz? How did you end up here?" Stefen spoke and all eyes were on her.

"Well it was my dream to work in a big company so I thought I'd try my luck here since this company just shifted here and it gives amazing opportunities to their employees and ohla I got it," she said it with happiness evident in her voice.

"I thought the same too before applying to this company", Stefen said with a proud smile.

"Same pinch"

"I guess we'll be great friends from now."

"I bet we will"

"Hello guys, you know you two aren't the only one here right?" Jack said in an annoyed tone while Alice was silently having her lunch not raising her head even for once.

The 45 minutes lunch-break went by as they talked about each other and ate. Jack was almost interrogating Jazz while Stefen listened to all her answers with great interest and questioned whenever he had difficulty in catching up to her story. Alice smiled now and then to make her presence be felt and with that the break was over and the hard reality was back.

"I want you all back to your work before 1:20", Sandra spoke loudly from afar and went towards the elevator.

"Is she our manager or a jailer?" Jack said all disgusted making all of them laugh. They stood up leaving the tray in the trash and went to their respective departments.

Jack walked besides Jazz while Stefen and Alice walked behind them. They entered inside the elevator and Jack spoke in excitement.

"I'm having a house warming party this Friday evening guys and you all are heartily invited. You can think of it as an order as well."

"But you've been living there for the past two years and we have already celebrated that. Why are you celebrating it again?" Stefen said looking confused.

"God you should start living a real life buddy", Jack whispered but since they were in the big yet small elevator Jazz and Alice heard him. "So, as I was saying you all are invited."

"I can't, I'm sorry. I'm still new to the place so I'm afraid I'll get lost on the way?" Jazz said looking towards Jack. 

Honestly, she wasn't interested. She wasn't the party kind of girl, and only went to few. She'd rather prefer being in her home having lots of snacks and cold-drinks and watching movies all day long than being in a party where majority are strangers.

"You need not worry about that. Alice knows the place. She came once or twice for group projects."

"But didn't you just say that it's a housewarming party, then how come Alice already knows about it? Are you two like more than friends or what?" she said thinking that she'd catch him red-handed because she already knew he was lying about the housewarming thing.

"No absolutely not", it was Alice who replied in a disgusted way. "But Jazz, I think we should go. It'll be fun and it'll help us to divert our mind from work."

"She's right. It'll be fun and a great opportunity for us all to know each other better since we work in the same company", the deep yet sweet voice of Stefen knocked her brain.

"Sure. I guess you're right", she said in a confusing tone though she was all excited to meet him and see his cute yet handsome face even outside the office.

Jack and Alice did a high-five after hearing her and immediately dusted their palms as if they just committed a crime by doing high-five.

Stefen too raised his hands towards Jazz to do the high-five. She was in the ninth cloud. She raised her hand and when their palms were about to meet 'ding' the elevator door opened wide.

In front they saw a man of around 50 standing tall and talking with his secretary about some deal. He's eyes stuck when he saw Stefen's and Jazz's hand position. Before anyone could think anything nonsense she kept her hands down and gestured Stefen to do the same. She cursed her stars at that moment.

I couldn't even do high-five with him. I guess I'll do the high-five twice the next time we do high-five.

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