Chapter 10 (New Love birds?)

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She did not expect this at all. "But I said I already had my breakfast, so why this?"

"Yes, I know that, but I assumed you would still like to have this. Trust me this sandwich is really good, you won't regret." He said putting back his seat belt.

A smile appeared out of nowhere. She smiled from ear to ear and looked at him with a 'thank you' expression.

"Here and this too," he gave her a cup of coffee.

This guy is really sweet.

Happily she started to eat her sandwich and he drove the car. As he was driving he was having difficulty in eating the sandwich. His fillings were falling off the bread.

"Can I like help you, if you don't mind that is?" she said pointing at his sandwich.

He gave her his sandwich and she helped him eat it. Giving him coffee to drink once in a while.

'He is having his food from my hand. Am I dreaming?.. It's not like I have any kind of feeling for him but just imagine a very charming guy is driving you to your work and that too because he himself insisted to do so and now your are helping him eat his food... I'm getting goosebumps would be an understatement.'

Jasmine was talking to herself without uttering a word and looking closely at the man she was facing towards.

He was definitely not like a Greek God many girls dream of having, but yes he was surely extremely good looking and a good man in his own way. He was not someone whom the girls would notice as soon as he enters the room, but he was surely someone who could not be avoided once you've noticed him.

"Aren't you going to eat your sandwich? You're just making me eat mine." He spoke pointing towards the sandwich that she hadn't even touched yet bringing her back to reality.

"Oh sorry, I forgot."

Keeping his sandwich aside she had hers and he was true when he said this was the best sandwich. It was really very delicious.

"Mm..." she said enjoying its taste.

He looked towards her and smiled as if he'd seen a child. She ignored him and kept having her food. She gave him his sandwich every now and then, only this time she made sure to have her food as well.

Finally after all the eating and talking, they reached the company. She got off the car and waited for him to park the car and come.

"I guessed you missed to have the coffee," he said after parking his car and coming to her direction carrying her coffee cup.

He was right, she was so busy enjoying the sandwich and helping him eat his that she had forgotten about the coffee.

"Oh right, thank you," she said taking the cup from his hand.

"But it's cold already."

"One fact about me, I love cold coffee. Though I seldom drink hot coffee as well but I usually prefer it cold."

He smiled in approval.

She was admiring his smile and dimple when she saw some mayonnaise beside his lips. She had not noticed earlier, but now that they stood so close to each other, it was visible to her.

"There is some mayonnaise beside your lips," she told him pointing towards his lips.

"Oh," he said and rubbed his fingers beside his lips just not at the place where the mayonnaise was.

"Wait, let me help you," she said as she raised her hand to help him. She cleaned the mayonnaise from his skin and she could feel the tinkling sensation every time her fingers touched the corner of his lips.

"Ahem..... Ahem." Suddenly they heard someone coughing behind them and she dropped her hand immediately.

"Good Morning Ms. Beautiful and Mr. Handsome," Mr. William said it with a smile brighter than the sun.

"Good Morning Sir," she replied looking towards him.

"Good Morning Sir," Stefen's voice followed hers.

"Is everything okay? Why are you both standing outside the company? Don't you fear being late?" he said pretending to look scary.

"Yes sir," she said that and pulled Stefen by his arm and entered inside the building.

They were waiting for the elevator to come to their floor and when it did they heard his voice again.

"Ah excuse me. Could I use the elevator first? I'm too old to stand for a very long time. You both can take the stairs. It'll be a form of exercise as well for you two," he said with a gentle smile and entered inside the elevator with his secretary and the door closed.

They both stood there stunned thinking what just happened. The elevator was big enough to fit 10 people and here it was just her, Stefen, Mr. William and his secretary.

"Let's go do some morning walk now," she said gesturing the stairs with a tired expression.

She did love the time when she was around Stefen but if being around him meant walking so many floors every day she will just have to throw away her Yoga class membership card.

They finally reached their floor talking about almost all the topics in the universe that popped up in their brain.

"Look who has arrived? The new love birds of Century Multinational Company," Jack said walking in their direction.

She blushed a bit when she heard him say that. But she made sure to act normal and immediately stopped blushing.

"Good Morning Jazz," Alice too arrived. "Good morning Stef," she said smiling towards him. That smile wasn't the ordinary type of smile.

"Hello Alice, I guess you didn't see me," Jack said waving his hands to make his presence be felt.

"Let's go Jazz; we don't want the manager to shout at us so early in the morning," Alice said ignoring Jack's comment and walked off.

"Have I taken away her kidney or something?" Jack said looking towards Jazz and Stefen.

They both laughed at that short but sweet fight between Alice and Jack.

The morning was going quite well. While Stefen was working today in his department, Mr. Wills called him to his office. He knew why he called him and it turned out to be for the exact same reason that he thought of.

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